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Hi everyone!

We've now sent our first wave of Closed Beta invitations. Those who've been invited will have received an email with further instructions - you can also check your account by visiting wwww.fablelegends.com/account and signing in.

If you didn't get in to this wave, don't worry! As we've said previously we are starting very small, and we'll be inviting more people as we continue through Closed Beta.


Изменено пользователем creetos18
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Рано паникуешь. Это первая волна, видимо сервера не сразу на полную мощность включают.
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На гафе смотрел, там двоим что ли прислали))
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Как бы я не любил фейбл, даже не растроился что ничего не пришло, игора полюбому говно.

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  24.10.2014 в 10:27, Exoldy сказал:

Как бы я не любил фейбл, даже не растроился что ничего не пришло, игора полюбому говно.

игра говно, но на бэтку зарегился чтоль?

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  24.10.2014 в 11:25, venom900 сказал:

игра говно, но на бэтку зарегился чтоль?

Зарегился в надежде увидеть там то чего не показывали. Надежда она такая...

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  24.10.2014 в 11:33, Exoldy сказал:

Зарегился в надежде увидеть там то чего не показывали. Надежда она такая...

откуда надежда, если



игора полюбому говно.
????  :amm:
Изменено пользователем creetos18
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  24.10.2014 в 11:49, creetos18 сказал:


откуда надежда, если

????  :amm:

Написал я свое мнение сейчас, а зарегался на бету много месяцев назад. Так понятнее?

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Да в последнее время, что не проект, так одни обещания и переносы релизов. Фейбл жду с нетерпением. Критики в адрес проекта понять не могу. Из пользователей нашего форума еще никто игру не пользовал, а уже вешают ярлыки. Как по мне, то мне хочется верить, что проект, как и прежде будет выглядет достойно. Ну а статус экза заведомо должен обеспечить проекту успех. Ладно...время придет оценим :-)
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Прислали приглашение в бету  :mercury:

Жаль попробовать смогу не раньше завтра.


[spoiler=]Congratulations, fellow Fable fan!

You're one of the lucky few who can return to Albion in this early round of Beta testing. I know that all of the teams at Lionhead are as eager to get you into the game as you are to play it, so I'll do my best keep this brief.
Our focus now is on the multiplayer gameplay of Fable Legends. Later on, we'll be taking a look at the fun you can have in the town of Brightlodge, in our game's narrative, and in how the AI Heroes and an AI Villain make for a single player experience. At this moment, though, we need your help looking at how the Fable Legends plays with a complement of human Heroes and a human Villain.
What, you say? You didn't know that Fable Legends included a multiplayer component? Well, we have some news for you. In Fable Legends, you can play with your friends - or against them - as a Hero or Villain. Visit the website and the forums to learn more.

The game you're about to play is very much under construction. You will see unfinished work. That means heroes, creatures, and quest areas will have incomplete art textures, unpolished animations, and the like. If you see a white box-shaped wall in one of our levels, that's because our art team hasn't made it beautiful yet. You'll only have one quest to play, but that quest will change every once in a while as we test new areas, add new Heroes, and include more creatures. And that's to say nothing of the overall game balance, which will remain work-in-progress for months to come. Frankly, all of that incomplete work is why you're here. Inviting you in this early gives us a chance to take on real, meaningful feedback. If we waited until a month or two before the release of the game, it would be difficult or outright impossible to rebuild the architecture of a quest level or the like.

Now, I hope you have fun playing Fable Legends. However, we hope you'll become not merely a frequent player, but a true participant in our Beta Test. Take notes on the impressions of things you find. We very much want to know your notion of how each Hero plays, how they should play, and which Heroes are your most and least favourite to play. And then on the Villain side, which creatures feel most effective and most enjoyable to control. Log any bugs you find, even if you're not sure if it's a known issue or not. Visit the closed beta forum frequently - discuss the current quest or quests that are available, the Heroes you love to play or hate to play against, and what you want to see most.
Last, but not least, please do respect the NDA. The place for discussing Fable Legends - praise for the good, comments on the bad, and noting the ugly - is on that Fable Legends Closed Beta Forum. Please join in there for now, and we'll let you know at some point in the future when you can share your adventures with your friends and the rest of the world. Thank you.


See you in Albion,
David Eckelberry

Game Director, Fable Legends


Изменено пользователем FrankAndShtein
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  29.10.2014 в 13:03, FrankAndShtein сказал:

Прислали приглашение в бету  :mercury:

Жаль попробовать смогу не раньше завтра.


[spoiler=]Congratulations, fellow Fable fan!

You're one of the lucky few who can return to Albion in this early round of Beta testing. I know that all of the teams at Lionhead are as eager to get you into the game as you are to play it, so I'll do my best keep this brief.

Our focus now is on the multiplayer gameplay of Fable Legends. Later on, we'll be taking a look at the fun you can have in the town of Brightlodge, in our game's narrative, and in how the AI Heroes and an AI Villain make for a single player experience. At this moment, though, we need your help looking at how the Fable Legends plays with a complement of human Heroes and a human Villain.

What, you say? You didn't know that Fable Legends included a multiplayer component? Well, we have some news for you. In Fable Legends, you can play with your friends - or against them - as a Hero or Villain. Visit the website and the forums to learn more.


The game you're about to play is very much under construction. You will see unfinished work. That means heroes, creatures, and quest areas will have incomplete art textures, unpolished animations, and the like. If you see a white box-shaped wall in one of our levels, that's because our art team hasn't made it beautiful yet. You'll only have one quest to play, but that quest will change every once in a while as we test new areas, add new Heroes, and include more creatures. And that's to say nothing of the overall game balance, which will remain work-in-progress for months to come. Frankly, all of that incomplete work is why you're here. Inviting you in this early gives us a chance to take on real, meaningful feedback. If we waited until a month or two before the release of the game, it would be difficult or outright impossible to rebuild the architecture of a quest level or the like.


Now, I hope you have fun playing Fable Legends. However, we hope you'll become not merely a frequent player, but a true participant in our Beta Test. Take notes on the impressions of things you find. We very much want to know your notion of how each Hero plays, how they should play, and which Heroes are your most and least favourite to play. And then on the Villain side, which creatures feel most effective and most enjoyable to control. Log any bugs you find, even if you're not sure if it's a known issue or not. Visit the closed beta forum frequently - discuss the current quest or quests that are available, the Heroes you love to play or hate to play against, and what you want to see most.

Last, but not least, please do respect the NDA. The place for discussing Fable Legends - praise for the good, comments on the bad, and noting the ugly - is on that Fable Legends Closed Beta Forum. Please join in there for now, and we'll let you know at some point in the future when you can share your adventures with your friends and the rest of the world. Thank you.


See you in Albion,

David Eckelberry

Game Director, Fable Legends


:nice: поздравляю

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Тоже сегодня пригласили

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  29.10.2014 в 13:03, FrankAndShtein сказал:

Прислали приглашение в бету  :mercury:

Жаль попробовать смогу не раньше завтра.


[spoiler=]Congratulations, fellow Fable fan!

You're one of the lucky few who can return to Albion in this early round of Beta testing. I know that all of the teams at Lionhead are as eager to get you into the game as you are to play it, so I'll do my best keep this brief.

Our focus now is on the multiplayer gameplay of Fable Legends. Later on, we'll be taking a look at the fun you can have in the town of Brightlodge, in our game's narrative, and in how the AI Heroes and an AI Villain make for a single player experience. At this moment, though, we need your help looking at how the Fable Legends plays with a complement of human Heroes and a human Villain.

What, you say? You didn't know that Fable Legends included a multiplayer component? Well, we have some news for you. In Fable Legends, you can play with your friends - or against them - as a Hero or Villain. Visit the website and the forums to learn more.


The game you're about to play is very much under construction. You will see unfinished work. That means heroes, creatures, and quest areas will have incomplete art textures, unpolished animations, and the like. If you see a white box-shaped wall in one of our levels, that's because our art team hasn't made it beautiful yet. You'll only have one quest to play, but that quest will change every once in a while as we test new areas, add new Heroes, and include more creatures. And that's to say nothing of the overall game balance, which will remain work-in-progress for months to come. Frankly, all of that incomplete work is why you're here. Inviting you in this early gives us a chance to take on real, meaningful feedback. If we waited until a month or two before the release of the game, it would be difficult or outright impossible to rebuild the architecture of a quest level or the like.


Now, I hope you have fun playing Fable Legends. However, we hope you'll become not merely a frequent player, but a true participant in our Beta Test. Take notes on the impressions of things you find. We very much want to know your notion of how each Hero plays, how they should play, and which Heroes are your most and least favourite to play. And then on the Villain side, which creatures feel most effective and most enjoyable to control. Log any bugs you find, even if you're not sure if it's a known issue or not. Visit the closed beta forum frequently - discuss the current quest or quests that are available, the Heroes you love to play or hate to play against, and what you want to see most.

Last, but not least, please do respect the NDA. The place for discussing Fable Legends - praise for the good, comments on the bad, and noting the ugly - is on that Fable Legends Closed Beta Forum. Please join in there for now, and we'll let you know at some point in the future when you can share your adventures with your friends and the rest of the world. Thank you.


See you in Albion,

David Eckelberry

Game Director, Fable Legends




  29.10.2014 в 16:41, Fantom76 сказал:

Тоже сегодня пригласили

не забывайте, что инфой нельзя будет делится, ибо NDА 


Every user that takes part in the Beta will have signed a EULA/NDA which prohibits them from sharing information about the Closed Beta with other users. An NDA is a contract. By breaking it you may forfeit your Gamertag, your XBL account, may be permanently banned from Xbox Live, and who knows what else! Be careful out there, and don't risk your account. Both Microsoft and Lionhead will be monitoring for leaks.

Изменено пользователем creetos18
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Как я понял из письма три дня будет тест


Greetings Fantom76,

Albion's most petulant apple-tosser arrives in Fable Legends Closed Beta this week. Glory is playable from Thursday 30th October. So liven up your Halloween weekend with exploding apples and try out Glory's unique abilities.

Find out more about Glory in the character section at fablelegends.com - GLORY

There's also a guide to playing Glory right HERE in our Closed Beta Forums!
This weeks testing times are:

Thursday 30th October: 8PM - 11PM GMT & 9PM - 12AM EDT

Saturday 1st November: 8PM - 11PM GMT & 9PM - 12AM EDT

Sunday 2nd November: 8PM - 11PM GMT & 9PM - 12AM EST

You can always find the latest testing times HERE

See you in Albion!

The Lionhead Team

Только что скачалась, запустилась но дальше меню не пускает, видимо время не подошло. Завтра вечером попробую запустить.

Изменено пользователем Fantom76
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