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@eLe92, Вот нравиться мне когда ты утром с полным чейнжлоком уведомляешь об обновлении. Молодец одним словом. Изменено пользователем nickolas666
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Вернули все как было. Остался только глюк с белым пятном при вызове контекстного меню с главного экрана при запущенной игре.

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  16.07.2016 в 06:11, nickolas666 сказал:

@eLe92, Вот нравиться мне когда ты утром с полным чейнжлоком уведомляешь об обновлении. Молодец одним словом.


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OS version released: rs1_xbox_rel_1608.160714-2120
Available: 6:00PM PDT 7/16 (2:00 PM PDT 7/17)


Thanks for helping us test the latest Xbox One update! We’re eager to show off the new features and experiences we’ve been working on. We’ve noted below a few important things to be aware of before you jump in.


• Certain content (games, apps, DLC) purchased in the new Store may only be available on consoles enrolled in the latest Preview update. This means…
• Games purchased on a console running the latest Preview update can only be played on that console or other consoles running the latest Preview update.
• Games purchased via Xbox.com can be played on any console. 
• Games purchased on a console running the previous update can be played on any console.


• Certain parental control features aren’t functioning appropriately in the current build. As a result, we encourage users to exercise caution when letting children access a console that is using the latest Xbox One update until these issues are resolved.


• We’ve added several settings that are already found on Windows today. These include SmartScreen Filter, which sends URLs you visit in apps to Microsoft to check against a list of potentially harmful sites, and advertising ID, which helps Microsoft present you with more personalized ads in Universal Windows Apps. You can choose to turn these off and manage your preferences for how Xbox One uses your information in Settings.




• My Games & Apps
• You should no longer experience game or application installation failure to start after being added to the queue.
• Games should no longer display as apps in My games & apps


• Cortana

You should no longer an issue which sometimes cause Cortana to fail to switch focus when snapped.




• Xbox Preview Dashboard
You may encounter an "Unexpected error" screen when attempting to launch the Xbox Preview Dashboard app or Report a problem.


• Blu-Ray Player
When watching a video with the Blu-Ray Player, the screen may dim after a short period of inactivity.


• Payment & Billing
You may be unable to add PayPal as a payment option.


• Profile
• Users are able to select their own Gamertag at no charge once per account. After this you will be charged for future Gamertag changes. In the current update, any free Gamertag changes will complete successfully. Attempting to purchase a Gamertag change will charge your account, but will not change your Gamertag. Please avoid purchasing a Gamertag change on Xbox One at this time. To successfully change your Gamertag, visit https://account.xbox.com/ChangeGamertag.
• When selecting “Add new” to add a new profile, the add profile interface may take up to 30 seconds to appear.


• Cortana
When using a language Cortana does not support, you may still see references to Cortana in text.


• Pins
If you have pins on your Home to movies, TV shows, or music, they will disappear from Home when that app takes its new app update. The pins for the apps will stay on your Home, easy to get to.


• My Games & Apps
You may encounter an error when attempting to load Ready to Install with a large number of digital games and apps.


• Community Calendar
Links to the Store in Community Calendar event details do not currently function.



Изменено пользователем eLe92
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Вот люблю я когда каждый день обновления.
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  17.07.2016 в 01:47, nickolas666 сказал:

Вот люблю я когда каждый день обновления.

Согласен, очень удобно. С утра включил и пошел чай наливать :-)

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  17.07.2016 в 01:47, nickolas666 сказал:


Вот люблю я когда каждый день обновления.

К хорошему быстро привыкаешь ^_^

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  17.07.2016 в 05:22, XboxBetaTester сказал:


К хорошему быстро привыкаешь ^_^

До августа думаю будут пилить через день и каждый день. ИМХО
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Из контекстного меню иногда пропадает кнопка "выход"... Может ежедневные обновления не самая хорошая идея.

Изменено пользователем starfighter911
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@starfighter911, вы можете не ставить их ежедневно.
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@zanswer, но в этом же смысл тестеров. Просто изменений в последних билдах не заметил и лог не помогает.

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После последних обнов если отсоединить интернет кабель от консоли все равно пишет что используется  проводное подключение, в итоге отсутствует возможность использовать ВиФи соединение. Кому не сложно проверти у себя присутствует ли данный баг. И функция беспроводного дисплея не пашет.

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  17.07.2016 в 12:26, OlegTOR09 сказал:

После последних обнов если отсоединить интернет кабель от консоли все равно пишет что используется  проводное подключение, в итоге отсутствует возможность использовать ВиФи соединение. Кому не сложно проверти у себя присутствует ли данный баг. И функция беспроводного дисплея не пашет.


что что а это у бокса работает идеально. я иногда перетыкаю кабель и он сам подключается то по кабелю то по вай фай, в отличии от пс4 где каждый раз надо в настройки заходить чтобы поменять тип соединения.


И в последней прошивки всё работает. А про дисплей первый раз подключается потом пишет подключено но ничего не происходит. надо удалять устройство в настройках  ну и картинка на эране ТВ запаздывала.

Изменено пользователем iPOWER
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OS version released: rs1_xbox_rel_1608.160715-2114
Available: 6:00PM PDT 7/16 (2:00 PM PDT 7/17)


Thanks for helping us test the latest Xbox One update! We’re eager to show off the new features and experiences we’ve been working on. We’ve noted below a few important things to be aware of before you jump in.


• Certain content (games, apps, DLC) purchased in the new Store may only be available on consoles enrolled in the latest Preview update. This means…
• Games purchased on a console running the latest Preview update can only be played on that console or other consoles running the latest Preview update.
• Games purchased via Xbox.com can be played on any console. 
• Games purchased on a console running the previous update can be played on any console.


• Certain parental control features aren’t functioning appropriately in the current build. As a result, we encourage users to exercise caution when letting children access a console that is using the latest Xbox One update until these issues are resolved.


• We’ve added several settings that are already found on Windows today. These include SmartScreen Filter, which sends URLs you visit in apps to Microsoft to check against a list of potentially harmful sites, and advertising ID, which helps Microsoft present you with more personalized ads in Universal Windows Apps. You can choose to turn these off and manage your preferences for how Xbox One uses your information in Settings.




• My Games & Apps


Resolved an issue which sometimes caused purchases not to appear in games until the title was restarted.
Resolved an issue so that CAST no longer crashes.
Performance improvement when scrolling with large collections (no focus loss, no excessive load times)



• Xbox Preview Dashboard
You may encounter an "Unexpected error" screen when attempting to launch the Xbox Preview Dashboard app or Report a problem.


• Blu-Ray Player
When watching a video with the Blu-Ray Player, the screen may dim after a short period of inactivity.


• Payment & Billing
You may be unable to add PayPal as a payment option.


• Profile
• Users are able to select their own Gamertag at no charge once per account. After this you will be charged for future Gamertag changes. In the current update, any free Gamertag changes will complete successfully. Attempting to purchase a Gamertag change will charge your account, but will not change your Gamertag. Please avoid purchasing a Gamertag change on Xbox One at this time. To successfully change your Gamertag, visit https://account.xbox.com/ChangeGamertag.
• When selecting “Add new” to add a new profile, the add profile interface may take up to 30 seconds to appear.


• Cortana
When using a language Cortana does not support, you may still see references to Cortana in text.


• Pins
If you have pins on your Home to movies, TV shows, or music, they will disappear from Home when that app takes its new app update. The pins for the apps will stay on your Home, easy to get to.


• My Games & Apps
You may encounter an error when attempting to load Ready to Install with a large number of digital games and apps.


• Community Calendar
Links to the Store in Community Calendar event details do not currently function.



Изменено пользователем eLe92
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  18.07.2016 в 00:03, eLe92 сказал:

Certain content (games, apps, DLC) purchased in the new Store may only be available on consoles enrolled in the latest Preview upd

как всегда оперативно.


Смотрю прошивку начали вылизывать, значит новых фич пока не будет

Изменено пользователем Dadenard
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когда дадут возможность мигрировать в другой регион, чтоб в играх язык оставался русский?

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  18.07.2016 в 05:32, reHgoc сказал:

когда дадут возможность мигрировать в другой регион, чтоб в играх язык оставался русский?


давно уже можно

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  18.07.2016 в 03:05, Dadenard сказал:

Смотрю прошивку начали вылизывать, значит новых фич пока не будет

Да скорее всего ничего больше особо и не добавят

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@reHgoc, Что тебя интересует в плане миграции? Если стор другого региона, то уже можно выставить регион стора и консоли отдельно.

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  18.07.2016 в 21:04, DeeperGnu сказал:

@reHgoc, Что тебя интересует в плане миграции? Если стор другого региона, то уже можно выставить регион стора и консоли отдельно.

чтоб в играх язык не трогали

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OS version released: rs1_xbox_rel_1608.160716-2035
Available: 6:00PM PDT 7/18 (1:00 AM GMT 19/7)


Thanks for helping us test the latest Xbox One update! We’re eager to show off the new features and experiences we’ve been working on. We’ve noted below a few important things to be aware of before you jump in.


• Certain content (games, apps, DLC) purchased in the new Store may only be available on consoles enrolled in the latest Preview update. This means…
• Games purchased on a console running the latest Preview update can only be played on that console or other consoles running the latest Preview update.
• Games purchased via Xbox.com can be played on any console. 
• Games purchased on a console running the previous update can be played on any console.


• Certain parental control features aren’t functioning appropriately in the current build. As a result, we encourage users to exercise caution when letting children access a console that is using the latest Xbox One update until these issues are resolved.


• We’ve added several settings that are already found on Windows today. These include SmartScreen Filter, which sends URLs you visit in apps to Microsoft to check against a list of potentially harmful sites, and advertising ID, which helps Microsoft present you with more personalized ads in Universal Windows Apps. You can choose to turn these off and manage your preferences for how Xbox One uses your information in Settings.




• Pins
Resolved an issue which could sometimes cause pins with no app installed to link to the wrong Store page.


• My games & apps
Resolved an issue which could cause tile art to display at an incorrect resolution.




• Guide
The Guide may fail to launch by navigating to the left on the dashboard or double tapping the Xbox button.


• Xbox Preview Dashboard
You may encounter an "Unexpected error" screen when attempting to launch the Xbox Preview Dashboard app or Report a problem.


• Profile
• Users are able to select their own Gamertag at no charge once per account. After this you will be charged for future Gamertag changes. In the current update, any free Gamertag changes will complete successfully. Attempting to purchase a Gamertag change will charge your account, but will not change your Gamertag. Please avoid purchasing a Gamertag change on Xbox One at this time. To successfully change your Gamertag, visit https://account.xbox.com/ChangeGamertag.
• When selecting “Add new” to add a new profile, the add profile interface may take up to 30 seconds to appear.


• Cortana
When using a language Cortana does not support, you may still see references to Cortana in text.


• Pins
If you have pins on your Home to movies, TV shows, or music, they will disappear from Home when that app takes its new app update. The pins for the apps will stay on your Home, easy to get to.


• My Games & Apps
You may encounter an error when attempting to load Ready to Install with a large number of digital games and apps.


• Community Calendar
Links to the Store in Community Calendar event details do not currently function.


• The Crew
The Crew may fail to launch if purchased via Games with Gold.



Изменено пользователем eLe92
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  19.07.2016 в 03:28, eLe92 сказал:



OS version released: rs1_xbox_rel_1608.160716-2035

Available: 6:00PM PDT 7/18 (1:00 AM GMT 19/7)


Thanks for helping us test the latest Xbox One update! We’re eager to show off the new features and experiences we’ve been working on. We’ve noted below a few important things to be aware of before you jump in.


• Certain content (games, apps, DLC) purchased in the new Store may only be available on consoles enrolled in the latest Preview update. This means…

• Games purchased on a console running the latest Preview update can only be played on that console or other consoles running the latest Preview update.

• Games purchased via Xbox.com can be played on any console.

• Games purchased on a console running the previous update can be played on any console.


• Certain parental control features aren’t functioning appropriately in the current build. As a result, we encourage users to exercise caution when letting children access a console that is using the latest Xbox One update until these issues are resolved.


• We’ve added several settings that are already found on Windows today. These include SmartScreen Filter, which sends URLs you visit in apps to Microsoft to check against a list of potentially harmful sites, and advertising ID, which helps Microsoft present you with more personalized ads in Universal Windows Apps. You can choose to turn these off and manage your preferences for how Xbox One uses your information in Settings.




• Pins

Resolved an issue which could sometimes cause pins with no app installed to link to the wrong Store page.


• My games & apps

Resolved an issue which could cause tile art to display at an incorrect resolution.




• Guide

The Guide may fail to launch by navigating to the left on the dashboard or double tapping the Xbox button.


• Xbox Preview Dashboard

You may encounter an "Unexpected error" screen when attempting to launch the Xbox Preview Dashboard app or Report a problem.


• Profile

• Users are able to select their own Gamertag at no charge once per account. After this you will be charged for future Gamertag changes. In the current update, any free Gamertag changes will complete successfully. Attempting to purchase a Gamertag change will charge your account, but will not change your Gamertag. Please avoid purchasing a Gamertag change on Xbox One at this time. To successfully change your Gamertag, visit https://account.xbox.com/ChangeGamertag.

• When selecting “Add new” to add a new profile, the add profile interface may take up to 30 seconds to appear.


• Cortana

When using a language Cortana does not support, you may still see references to Cortana in text.


• Pins

If you have pins on your Home to movies, TV shows, or music, they will disappear from Home when that app takes its new app update. The pins for the apps will stay on your Home, easy to get to.


• My Games & Apps

You may encounter an error when attempting to load Ready to Install with a large number of digital games and apps.


• Community Calendar

Links to the Store in Community Calendar event details do not currently function.


• The Crew

The Crew may fail to launch if purchased via Games with Gold.



Проспал :D ... Спасибо за аннотацию ^_~
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  19.07.2016 в 03:53, XboxBetaTester сказал:

Проспал :D ... Спасибо за аннотацию ^_~

Времени не было зайти на форум)

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