kjuby 22 Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Поделиться Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 тригер сработал,,,,, :lie: ,,,, изи катка...... , ох детишки вы детишки...... в зоопарке макаки говном в посетителей бросаются , вы не родственники ? Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
erm296 93 Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Поделиться Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 , вы не родственники ?нет......... :hmm: Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
Rambler 846 Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Поделиться Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Детей за 30. И за 30, и когда за 50 в душе ты все равно ребенок Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
Drundel 4 Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Поделиться Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Удивительно, но решают, как оказалось, далеко не терафлопсы.....Производительность тут не причём. Большая масса людей покупает для детей так как на свиче больше подходящих игр. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
MoorCATs 0 Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Поделиться Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Вот хочет чел купить консоль, выбирает из PlayStation и Xbox. ФИФА есть на обеих, какую выбрать?Некоторые думают, что фифа только на пс 4, тк с ней игру рекламируют. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
McArt 14 Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Поделиться Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Некоторые думают, что фифа только на пс 4, тк с ней игру рекламируют.Отличное дополнение к моему ответу. Спасибо, брат! Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
kodege 851 Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Поделиться Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Ни за что не купил бы Свитч, если бы не эксклюзивы Нинтендо, так что экслюзивы решают.У ПС4 сейчас то же эксклюзивы решают, но после выпуска ПС5, если не налажают с мощностью, самая мощная консоль (X1X) может стать не нужна совсем. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
SAF0001 27 Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Поделиться Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Не считал. Где-то это можно посмотреть?Я играл для удовольствия, поэтому большую часть проходил без гайдов. В конце чисто по гайдам несколько коллектиблез и воронов нашёл. Красиво собрал, брат! Вот хочет чел купить консоль, выбирает из PlayStation и Xbox. ФИФА есть на обеих, какую выбрать? Естественно ту, на которой есть классные игры, которых нет на других. Не всё ж в одну ФИФУ гонять, нужно и о душе подумать! Ну ет само собой разумеется. На айпаде можно лендик полистать удобно без тормозов и ютубчик, который есть изначально присутствует (на свище ещё хз вышел ли или только в планах) и качество картинки мягко говоря не 720р.Еслиб я помнил. Просто хочу примерно прикинуть сколько времени займёт, а то на своей прошлой платине подустал мечем махать, вот думаю, сейчас озадачится этим вопросом с Богом Войны или потом. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
Bluetooth 5 Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Поделиться Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Не забывайте , что на свитче есть отличные джойконы, благодаря которым вся семья может играть в подвижные активные игры: Марио парти, теннис эйсис, армс, раз два вжух, все это влияет на выбор. Стационарки не нужны родителям, нужна универсальная вещь, и портативный и стационар и активити Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
MoorCATs 0 Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Поделиться Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Отличное дополнение к моему ответу. Спасибо, брат!Брат за брата, брат! Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
McArt 14 Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Поделиться Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Ни за что не купил бы Свитч, если бы не эксклюзивы Нинтендо, так что экслюзивы решают. У ПС4 сейчас то же эксклюзивы решают, но после выпуска ПС5, если не налажают с мощностью, самая мощная консоль (X1X) может стать не нужна совсем.А сейчас нужна что ли? Еслиб я помнил. Просто хочу примерно прикинуть сколько времени займёт, а то на своей прошлой платине подустал мечем махать, вот думаю, сейчас озадачится этим вопросом с Богом Войны или потом.На stratege.ru довольно объективно в оценках пишут и сложность, и количество часов для платины. По моим ощущениям времени нужно не особо много. Особенно если быстро пробежать по сюжету, а потом по гайдам добив мелочёвку, тогда и вовсе в пределах 50 часов уйдёт. Тем более там можно проходить даже на низком уровне сложности, это на платину не влияет. Не забывайте , что на свитче есть отличные джойконы, благодаря которым вся семья может играть в подвижные активные игры: Марио парти, теннис эйсис, армс, раз два вжух, все это влияет на выбор. Стационарки не нужны родителям, нужна универсальная вещь, и портативный и стационар и активитиНе ври. Я родитель. Мне не нужна портативка, мне нужна полноценная консоль с полноценными играми (читай эксклюзивами). Брат за брата, брат! Аминь! Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
kodege 851 Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Поделиться Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 А сейчас нужна что ли?...Для лучшей мультиплатформы в 4к, хотя если нет 4к, то не понять будет. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
gothic33 77 Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Поделиться Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 -47% у хуана не увидел, а плойке уже сколько лет, да она есть у любого, кто хотел.норм съезжаешь с позора,тут марево плоечку в унитаз окунул Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
M3E92 196 Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Поделиться Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 зелень топит за свича, забавно смотреть))враг моего врага) Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
Bluetooth 5 Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Поделиться Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Не ври. Я родитель. Мне не нужна портативка, мне нужна полноценная консоль с полноценными играми (читай эксклюзивами).Не знаю какой ты там родитель. Но я своему племяннику подарил свитч, и он доволен до усрачки! Фортнайт в кровати гоняет, руками в армс с отцом машет, с мамой в 1-2 свитч в теннис и дуель ковбоев играет, мы всей семьёй в Марио парти в 4 джойкона играем под коньячок. Не суди всех по себе и уж тем более не обвиняйте во лжи. А эксклюзивов на свитче никак не меньше чем на Ссанине. И если бы свитч был таким плохим устройством не продавался бы он на второй год так хорошо. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
McArt 14 Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Поделиться Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 А эксклюзивов на свитче никак не меньше чем на ссаНИНЕКек Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
erm296 93 Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Поделиться Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 зелень топит за свича, забавно смотреть))враг моего врага) ага, меня тоже улыбнуло.... Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
Archerw3 268 Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Поделиться Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Интересные результаты, на крупнейшем рынке для Майков. Похоже, игроки не видят смысл в самой мощной консоли за 500$. Геймпасс за 1$ с мультиплеерными эксклюзивами и кучей рандомных игр, им тоже не нужен. Вся надежда на свежекупленные студии. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
buhoyman 569 Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Поделиться Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 +++ Ну хз, я вот в Боге не планировал выбивать платину, но игра настолько захватывает, что по сути ты её получаешь просто за то, что облазил каждый уголок, выполнил каждое поручение. Кстати, аватарка ваще чёткая, как получил - сразу установил себе на профиль.Вот ещё, бегать как шнырь, чьи-то поручения выполнять. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
Bluetooth 5 Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Поделиться Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 КекRetailAnimal Crossing (Nintendo)Astral Chain (Nintendo)Bayonetta 3 (Nintendo)Cytus Alpha (Flyhigh Works)Daemon X Machina (Nintendo)[Pending] Darius Cozmic Collection (Taito)Disney Tsum Tsum Festival (Bandai Namco)[import] Doraemon: Nobita’s Chronicle of the Moon Exploration (FuRyu)[Pending] Doraemon: Nobita no Bokujou Monogatari (Bandai Namco)Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age Definitive Edition (Nintendo)Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Nintendo)Fun! Fun! Animal Park (Aksys Games)Geminose: Animal Popstars (Starbreeze Studios)Grandia I + II HD Remaster (GungHo Online Entertainment)[import] Hakuoki Next (Idea Factory)Hyper Sports R (Konami)[import | English] Kamen Rider: Climax Scramble (Bandai Namco)Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and The Millionaires’ Conspiracy Deluxe Edition (Level-5)The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening (Nintendo)Luigi’s Mansion 3 (Nintendo)Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order (Activision)Metroid Prime 4 (Nintendo)[Pending] Ninja Box (Bandai Namco)Ninjala (GungHo Online Entertainment)[import] Omega Labyrinth Life (D3 Publisher)[import] Omega Vampire (Prototype)OPUS Collection: The Day We Found Earth + Rocket of Whispers (Flyhigh Works)[import] Oshiete Onedari Shogi (Silver Star)[Pending] Peach Ball: Senran Kagura (Marvelous)Pokemon Core Series RPG Project (Nintendo)Rune Factory 4 Special (XSEED Games)Rune Factory 5 (XSEED Games)Shin Megami Tensei V (Atlus)[Pending] Shironeko New Project (Colopl)[Pending] The Snack World: Trejarers Gold (Level-5)[import] Sumikko Gurashi: Atsumare! Sumikko Town (Nippon Columbia)Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission (Bandai Namco)Super Mario Maker 2 (Nintendo)[Pending] Umihara Kawase Fresh! (Success Corporation)[Pending] Work x Work (FuRyu)[Pending] Yo-kai Watch 4 (Level-5)Yoshi’s Crafted World (Nintendo)[import] Zoids Wild: King of Blast (Takara Tomy A.R.T.S)DigitalA Dark Room (Circle Entertainment)[import] A-Kei Otaku Kanojo (Worker Bee)[import] Another Eden: The Cat That Travels Through Space and Time (GREE)Baba Is You (Hempuli Oy)Battlloon (Unties)Box Boy! + Box Girl! (Nintendo)Bullet Age (Liv Games)[Pending] Bustafellows (Extend)Button Button (Circle Entertainment)[Pending] Captain StarONE (Flyhigh Works)[Pending] Creeping Terror [Re:] (Mebius)[Pending] Daihanjou! Manpuku Marche: Gourmet Story (Flyhigh Works)Dandy & Randy (Forever Entertainment)Dungeon Stars (Furnace Games)Dusk Diver (JFi Games)Eagle Island (Screenwave Media)Emerald & Mrs. Ghost: The Ship that Never Returns (Flyhigh Works)Forever Forest (Fictive Studio)FUZE Code Studio (FUZE Technologies)Georifters (Busy Toaster)Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminoux Avenger iX (Inti Creates)[Pending] Ise Shima Mystery Guide: The False Black Pearl (Flyhigh Works)Inmost (Chucklefish)Killer Queen Black (Liquid Bit)King of the Hat (Hyroglyphik Games)KnightOut (2nd Studio)Levelhead (Butterscotch Shenanigans)The Low Road (XGen Studios)Lunaxxx (Pygmy Studio)Mineko’s Night Market (Meowza Games)Muse Dash (X.D. Network)My Friend Pedro (Devolver Digital)My Girlfriend is a Mermaid!? (Sekai Project)PlataGO! Super Platform Game Maker (PQube)Protoform (Circle Entertainment)[Pending] Royal Anapoko Academy (Ancient Games)Samurai Gunn 2 (Teknopants)Scrap Rush! (Acquire)Seasons of Heaven (AnyArts Production)Sengoku Cannon for Nintendo Switch (Zerodiv)The Shrouded Isle (Kitfox Games)Slay the Spire (Mega Crit Games)Slime Tactics (Flyhigh Works)SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech (Flyhigh Works)Sumer (Studio Wumpus)Super Crush KO (Vertex Pop)Synaptic Drive (Thousand Games)[Pending] Susume!! Mamotte Knight: Hime no Totsugeki Serenade (Ancient Games)Tale of the Ice Staff (Zodiac Interactive)Tick Tock: A Tale for Two (Other Tales Interactive)[Pending] Together! The Battle Cats (Ponos)Town (Game Freak)Transiruby (Flyhigh Works)Treasurenauts (Renegade Kid)Untitled Goose Game (Panic)Western 1849 Reloaded (Nawia Games)Windjammers 2 (DotEmu)The World Next Store (VIZ Media)Xeno Crisis (Bitmap Bureau)Yume Nikki: Dream Diary (Active Gaming Media)ReleasedRetail1-2-Switch (Nintendo)Arms (Nintendo)Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack (Nighthawk Interactive)Bayonetta 2 (Nintendo)[import] Beyblade Burst: Battle Zero (FuRyu)[import] Billion Road (Bandai Namco)Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Nintendo)Cave Story+ (Nicalis)[import] Cendrillon palikA (Idea Factory)[import] Champion Jockey Special (Koei Tecmo)[import] Chou Tousouchuu & Chou Sentouchuu Double Pack (Bandai Namco)Code of Princess EX (Nicalis)[import] Cube Creator X (Arc System Works)[import] Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai: Library Party (Aria Soft)Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Nintendo)[import] Dragon Quest Heroes I•II for Nintendo Switch (Square Enix)Fire Emblem Warriors (Nintendo)Fitness Boxing (Nintendo)Flashback 25th Anniversary (Microids)Gal Metal (XSEED Games)Gear.Club Unlimited (Microids)Gear.Club Unlimited 2 (Microids)[import] Gesshizu: Gajigaji Nakama wo Sodateyou (Nippon Columbia)Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams – Owltimate Edition (HandyGames)[import] Gotouchi Tetsudou for Nintendo Switch (Bandai Namco)Go Vacation (Nintendo)Happy Birthdays (NIS America)Hello Kitty Kruisers (Rising Star Games)[import] Hifumi Katou-Supervised Hifumin’s Shogi Dojo (Pocket)[import] Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Hou (Entergram)Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition (Nintendo)Ittle Dew 2+ (Nicalis)Katamari Damacy Reroll (Bandai Namco)Kirby: Star Allies (Nintendo)The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Nintendo)[import] Little Friends: Dogs & Cats (Imagineer)Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo)Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle (Ubisoft)Mario Tennis Aces (Nintendo)Monopoly for Nintendo Switch (Ubisoft)Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (Capcom)Namco Museum Arcade Pac (Bandai Namco)[import] Nari Kids Park: HUGtto! PreCure (Bandai Namco)[import] Nari Kids Park: Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patoranger (Bandai Namco)[import] Nari Kids Park: Ultraman R/B (Bandai Namco)[import] Neko Tomo (Bandai Namco)New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe (Nintendo)[import] Nil Admirari no Tenbin: Irodori Nadeshiko (Idea Factory)Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 01: Variety Kit (Nintendo)Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 02: Robot Kit (Nintendo)Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 03: Vehicle Kit (Nintendo)[import] NORN9 LOFN for Nintendo Switch (Idea Factory)Octopath Traveler (Nintendo)Party Arcade (Planet Entertainment)Party Planet (Mastiff)[import] Pikachin-Kit: Game de Pirameki Daisakusen (FuRyu)Poi: Explorer Edition (PolyKid)Pokemon Let’s Go, Pikachu / Let’s Go, Eevee (Nintendo)Pokken Tournament DX (Nintendo)[import] PriPara: All Idol Perfect Stage (Takara Tomy A.R.T.S)[import] Pro Yakyuu Famista Evolution (Bandai Namco)Rayman Legends: Definitive Edition (Ubisoft)Rollercoaster Tycoon Adventures (Atari)Runner3 (Nicalis)[import] Seiken Densetsu Collection (Square Enix)Sid Meier’s Civilization VI (2K Games)Snipperclips Plus: Cut It Out, Together! (Nintendo)SNK 40th Anniversary Collection (NIS America)Soldam: Drop, Connect, Erase (Dispatch Games)Splatoon 2 (Nintendo)Sports Party (Ubisoft)[import] Sumikko Gurashi: Sumikko Park he Youkoso (Nippon Columbia)Super Bomberman R (Konami)Super Mario Odyssey (Nintendo)Super Mario Party (Nintendo)Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Nintendo)Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido (Nintendo)Tiny Barbarian DX (Nicalis)Toki (Microids)Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes (Grasshopper Manufacture)Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers (Capcom)The World Ends With You: Final Remix (Nintendo)Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Nintendo)Digital1917: The Alien Invasion DX (Korion)10 Second Run Returns (Blueprint)1001 Ultimate Mahjong 2 (Nawia Games)2064: Read Only Memories Integral (MidBoss)60 Seconds (Robot Gentleman)7 Billion Humans (Tomorrow Corporation)99Moves (EnjoyUp Games)99Seconds (EnjoyUp Games)Abyss (EnjoyUp Games)ACA NEOGEO: Art of Fighting 3 (Hamster)ACA NEOGEO: Garou: Mark of the Wolves (Hamster)ACA NEOGEO: The King of Fighters 2000 (Hamster)ACA NEOGEO: World Heroes Perfect (Hamster)ACORN Tactics (TACS Games)The Adventures of Bertram Fiddle (Chorus Worldwide Games)The Adventures of Elena Temple (GrimTalin)Agartha-S (Mebius)Air Hockey (Sabec)Air Mail (N-Fusion Interactive)Akihabara Crash! 123 Stage + 1 (Dorasu)Akihabara: Feel the Rhythm Remixed (JMJ Interactive)Almightree: The Last Dreamer (West Coast Software)A Magical High School Girl (Sekai Project)The Amazing Shinsengumi: Heroes in Love (D3 Publisher)Ambition of the Slimes (Flyhigh Works)Ancient Rush 2 (Heideland GameWorks)Angels of Death (Active Gaming Media)Animal Hunter Z (Starsign)Animated Jigsaws: Beautiful Japanese Scenery (Rainy Frog)Animated Jigsaws: Beautiful Japanese Women (Rainy Frog)Animated Jigsaws: Wild Animals (Rainy Frog)Animus (Troooze)A Normal Lost Phone (Plug In Digital)Another Lost Phone: Laura’s Story (Plug In Digital)Aperion Cyberstorm (aPriori Digital)Arcade Archives: Donkey Kong (Hamster)Arcade Archives: Donkey Kong Jr. (Hamster)Arcade Archives: Excitebike (Hamster)Arcade Archives: Mario Bros. (Hamster)Arcade Archives: Punch-Out!! (Hamster)Arcade Archives: Sky Skipper (Hamster)Arena of Valor (Tencent Games)A Robot Named Fight (Hitcents)Astro Bears Party (QubicGames)Astro Duel Deluxe (Panic Button)Atomik: RunGunJumpGun (ThirtyThree)Avenger Bird (Ultimate Games)Awe (BadLand Publishing)Ayakashi Koi Gikyoku: Forbidden Romance with Mysterious Spirit (Digimerce)Bad Dream: Coma (Forever Entertainment)Bad North (Raw Fury)BAFL: Brakes Are For Losers (Playdius)Balance BloX (EntwicklerX)Baobabs Mausoleum Ep.1: Ovnifagos Don’t Eat Flamingos (Zerouno Games)Basketball (Sabec)Battery Jam (Halseo)Battle Chef Brigade (Adult Swim)Battle Group 2 (Merge Games)Battle Supremacy (Atypical Games)Bayonetta (Nintendo)Beat Rush (FuryLion Group)Beekyr Reloaded (Akaoni Studio)Behind the Screen (Cosen)Billiard (D3 Publisher)Bingo for Nintendo Switch (Starsign)Black Bird (Onion Games)Blaster Master Zero (Inti Creates)Bleep Bloop (Zerouno Games)BlobCat (BySamb)Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King (FDG Entertainment)Bloxiq (Blot Interactive)Bomb Chicken (Nitrome)Boom Ball: Boost Edition (Virtual Air Guitar Company)Boom Beast (Arc System Works)Bouncy Bob (Sonka)BQM: BlockQuest Maker (Wonderland Kazakiri)Brave Dungeon + Dark Witch Story: Combat (Inside System)#Breakforcist Battle (Lucid Sheep Games)[import] Buddy Collection if (PLiCy)Burnstar (Gearbox Publishing)Bury Me, My Love (Plug In Digital)Cake Laboratory (Grimtalin)Calculation Castle: Greco’s Ghostly Challenge “Addition” (media5)Calculation Castle: Greco’s Ghostly Challenge “Division” (media5)Calculation Castle: Greco’s Ghostly Challenge “Multiplication” (media5)Calculation Castle: Greco’s Ghostly Challenge “Subtraction” (media5)Carcassonne (Asmodee Digtial)Car Quest (Ezone)Castle of Heart (7levels)Catch ‘Em! Goldfish Scooping (D3 Publisher)Cattails (Falcon Development)Caveblazers (Yogscast)Chalk Dash Carnival (SAT-BOX)Chameleon Run Deluxe Edition (Cinemax)The Charming Empire (D3 Publisher)Chiki-Chiki Boxy Racers (Unties)Chrono Clash: Fantasy Tactics (Tyler Projects)Circle of Sumo (Belka)City Builder (BoomBox)[import] Choju Giga Wars (Silver Star Japan)Cinderella: An Interactive Fairy Tale (Golden Orb)[import] Class of Heroes: Anniversary Edition (Acquire)Clock Simulator (Kool2Play)Clue: The Classic Mystery Game (Marmalade Game Studio)Combat Core (MABManZ)Collidalot (Grunka Munka Games)Coloring Book (QubicGames)Color Zen (Cypronia)Color Zen Kids (Cypronia)Conduct Together! (Northplay)Crashlands (Butterscotch Shenanigans)CricktoGame: Nintendo Switch Edition (Polygon-e Studios)Crush Your Enemies! (Vile Monarch)Cycle 28 (Pill Bug Interactive)Danger Mouse: The Danger Games (9th Impact)Danmaku Unlimited 3 (Doragon Entertainment)The Darkside Detective (Isometric Dreams)Dark Witch Music Episode: Rudymical (Flyhigh Works)Darts Up (EnjoyUp Games)Dawn of the Breakers (CyberStep)Dead Fun Pack: Penguins and Aliens Strike Again (EnjoyUp Games)[import] Dear My Abyss (Regista)Defoliation (Cosen)De Mambo (The Dangerous Kitchen)Deru: The Art of Cooperation (Ink Kit)Desktop Soccer (SAT-BOX)Destiny’s Princess: A War Story, A Love Story (D3 Publisher)Destruction (Cosen)Dexteritrip (Undergames)Diggerman (Forever Entertainment)Dimension Drive (2Awesome Studio)Don’t Sink (Hitcents)Disease: Hidden Object (D3 Publisher)Double Cross (Graffiti Games)Dragon Blaze for Nintendo Switch (Zerodiv)Dragon Fang Z: The Rose & Dungeon of Time (Toydea)Dragon: Marked for Death (Inti Creates)Dream Alone (Fat Dog Games)Drift Legends (Luxtrade)Drone Fight (Silver Star)Dungeon Village (Kairosoft)Earth Atlantis (Headup Games)Earthworms (Sonka)Eat Beat Deadspike-san (Arc System Works)Eggggg (Hyper Games)Element (Flightless)Elemental Knights R (Winlight)Enchanting Mahjong Match (D3 Publisher)Escape Doodland (QubicGames)Escape Game: Aloha (Silver Star Japan)Escape Trick: 35 Fateful Enigmas (D3 Publisher)Estiman (Kool2Play)Exorder (Fat Dog Games)Extreme Poker (Dorasu)Fairune Collection (Flyhigh Works)Fairy Tale Puzzles: Magic Objects (Adore Company)[import] Family Card Games SP (Arc System Works)Farm Expert 2018 for Nintendo Switch (SimFabric)Fast RMX (Shin’en Multimedia)[import | English] Fight of Gods (Cosen)Final Light, The Prison (EnjoyUp Games)Find the Balance (Wastelands Interactive)Fishing Star: World Tour (WFS)Fishing Universe Simulator (Forever Entertainment)Flat Heroes (Parallel Circles)Flip Over Frog (Mutan)Flip Wars (Over Fence)Flood of Light (Indienova)Floor Kids (MERJ Media)Flowlines VS (Baltoro Games)Fly O’Clock (Forever Entertainment)Food Truck Tycoon (Baltoro Games)Football Manager Touch 2018 (Sega)Football Manager 2019 Touch (Sega)Forever Forest (Fictive Studio)Forgotten Tales: Day of the Dead (Green Sauce Games)Framed Collection (Loveshack)Frederic: The Resurrection of Music (Forever Entertainment)Frederic 2: Evil Strikes Back (Forever Entertainment)Freecell Battle King (Making)Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle (Blue Wizard Digital)FruitFall Crush (System 3 Software)FunBox Party (Drageus Games)Funghi Puzzle: Funghi Explosion (D3 Publisher)Gabucchi (h.a.n.d.)Game Dev Story (Kairosoft)Gakuen Club (D3 Publisher)Gaokao.Love.100Days (Navilla Software Japan)Garage (tinyBuild)Gekido Gintaro’s Revenge (Naps Team)Gelly Break (EuroVideo Medien)Gem Crash (Double Drive)Gem Smashers (Treva Entertainment)GetAmped Mobile (CyberStep)Glaive: Brick Breaker (Blue Sunset Games)Goetia (Forever Entertainment)Golf Story (Sidebar Games)GoNNER (Raw Fury)Gorogoa (Annapurna Interactive)Gotcha Racing 2nd (Arc System Works)Grab Lab (Forever Entertainment)Graceful Explosion Machine (Vertex Pop)Grandpa and the Zombies (Tivola)Green (Studio Green)Grid Mania (QubicGames)GRIS (Devolver Digital)Guess the Character (JanuSoft)Gunbarich for Nintendo Switch (Zerodiv)Gunbird for Nintendo Switch (Zerodiv)Gunbird 2 for Nintendo Switch (Zerodiv)HackyZack (Digerati)Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander (Massive Damage)Hardway Party (Wastelands Interactive)Harvest Life (Rokapublish)Heroki (Picomy)Hexologic (MythicOwl)Hidden Folks (Adriaan de Jongh)Hiragana Pixel Party! (Springloaded)Hollow (Forever Entertainment)Hollow Knight (Team Cherry)[import] Honkai AI Tousai: Daifugou (Silver Star)Hot Gimmick Cosplay-jong for Nintendo Switch (Zerodiv)Horizon Shift ’81 (Funbox Media)[import] Hototogisu Tairan 1553: Ryuuko Aiutsu (Granzella)Hot Springs Story (Kairosoft)Human Resource Machine (Tomorrow Corporation)Hunter’s Legacy: Purrfect Edition (Lienzo)Hyperide (Kool2Play)Hyperide: Vector Raid (Arts Alliance)I and Me (Ratalaika Games)Ice Cream Surfer (Dolores Entertainment)Implosion: Never Lose Hope (Flyhigh Works)Inops (ZRZStudio)Instant Tennis (BreakFirst Games)Into the Breach (Subset Games)Invisiballs (Digital Kingdom)Iris School of Wizardry: Vinculum Hearts (Digimerce)Iro Hero (Eastasiasoft)Ivanych vs Eared Beast (Beatshapers)[import] Jang-Navi Mahjong Online (Winlight)Japanese Mah-jongg (ITL)JCB Pioneer: Mars (Atomicom)Job the Leprechaun (Herrero Games)Joggernauts (Graffiti Games)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Bad Dudes (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Break Thru (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Express Raider (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Fighter’s History (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Gate of Doom (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Heavy Barrel (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Heavy Burger (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Joe & Mac Caveman Ninja (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Night Slashers (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Nitro Ball (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Shoot Out (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Sly Spy (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Super Burger Time (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Two Crude Dudes (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Wizard Fire (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Julie’s Sweets (Ocean Media)Jumping Joe & Friends (QubicGames)Jurassic Pinball (QubicGames)Just Shapes & Beats (Berzerk Studio)Kadobat Wars (Ittaro)[import] Kagoniwa no Cock Robin (SEEC)Kamiko (Flyhigh Works)[import] Kanazawa Shogi: Level 300 (Unbalance)The Keep (Cinemax)[import] Keiji J.B. Harold no Jikenbo: Murder Club (Mebius)[import] Keiji J.B. Harold no Jikenbo: Manhattan Requiem (Mebius)[import] Keiji J.B. Harold no Jikenbo: Kiss of Murder (Mebius)Kemono Friends Picross (Jupiter)Kensho (Fiftytwo)Kentucky Robo Chicken (Solid9)Kitty Love: Way to Look for Love (Digimerce)Knight Terrors (Nicalis)Knock ‘Em Down Bowling (D3 Publisher)Koloro (QubicGames)KORG Gadget for Nintendo Switch (Detune)Kuso (Mozukai Studio)Lanota (Flyhigh Works)Legendary Eleven (Eclipse Games)The Legend of Evil (Springloaded Software)Leopoldo Manquiseil (BadLand Publishing)Levels+: Addictive Puzzle Game (Flow)L.F.O.: Lost Future Omega (Mebius)Lichtspeer: Double Speer Edition (Lichthund)Light Fall (Bishop Games)Light Fingers (Numizmatic)Lightseekers (PlayFusion)The Lion’s Song (Mipumi Games)Little Inferno (Tomorrow Corporation)Lode Runner Legacy (Tozai Games)Long Story: A Dating Game for the Real World (Bloom Digital)Loot Monkey: Bling Palace (Tackorama)Lost in Harmony (Playdius)Lost Phone Stories (Plug In Digital)Luke & Rebecca (Racjin)Mad Carnage (QubicGames)Madorica Real Estate (Gift Ten Industry)Magic Nations (PrimeBit Games)Magic Scroll Tactics (Mediascape)Mahjong (Sanuk Games)The Mahjong Huntress (Forever Entertainment)Mahjong Solitaire Refresh (Sunsoft)Mana Spark (QubicGames)Manticore: Galaxy on Fire (Deep Silver)Marble It Up! (Bad Habit Productions)Mecha Storm (ENP Games)Mech Rage (Drageus Games)Membrane (Perfect Hat)The Men of Yoshiwara: Kikuya (D3 Publisher)The Men of Yoshiwara: Ohgiya (D3 Publisher)Mentori Puzzle (ITL)Mercenaries Saga Chronicles (Circle Entertainment)Merchants of Kaidan (Forever Entertainment)Mercury Race (Herrero Games)The Messenger (Sabotage Studio)Mighty Gunvolt Burst (Inti Creates)Miles & Kilo (Four Horses)Mimpi Dreams (Dreadlocks)Mini Metro (Radial Games)[import] Minna de Daifugou (Cellnavi)[import] Minna de Kuuki Yomi (G-Mode Corporation)[import] Moero Chronicle H (Compile Heart)Mom Hid My Game! (Kemco)Monkey Wall (Cosen)Moorhuhn Knights & Castles (Young Fun Studio)Moorhuhn Remake (Young Fun Studio)Moorhuhn Wanted (Young Fun Studio)Mordheim: Warband Skirmish (Legendary Games)Morphies Law (Cosmoscope)Mr. Shifty (TinyBuild)Ms. Splosion Man (Twisted Pixel)Muddledash (Slampunks)MUJO (Oink Games)Mummy Pinball (EnjoyUp Games)My Farm (BiP Media)My Exotic Farm 2018 (BiP Media)The Mystery of the Hudson Case (Magic Frame Studios)NAIRI: Tower of Shirin (Another Indie Studio)Namco Museum (Bandai Namco)[import] Nanami to Issho ni Manabo! English Joutatsu no Kotsu Rironhen (media5)[import] Nanami to Issho ni Manabo! TOEIC Listening and Reading Test Kanzen Master (media5)[import] Nazotoki Mail (Silver Star)Neko Navy: Daydream Edition (Fruitbat Factory)Neo Atlas 1469 (Acquire)Neonwall (JanduSoft)[import] Net Catcher Netch (Netch)Neverout (Gamedust)Never Stop Sneakin’ (Humble Hearts)New Frontier Days: Founding Pioneers (Arc System Works)New Star Manager (New Star Games)The Next Penelope (Aurelien Regard)Nightshade (D3 Publisher)Ninja Striker (Flyhigh Works)NoReload Heroes (Forever Entertainment)No Thing (Forever Entertainment)Nuclien (Springloaded Software)Numbala (Neurodio)[import | English] Numpla 10000 (Success Corporation)Octahedron: Transfixed Edition (Square Enix Collective)Octocopter: Double or Squids (TACS Games)Of Mice and Sand: Revised (Arc System Works)OkunoKA (Ignition Publishing)[import] Okuri Inu (Mebius)Old Man’s Journey (Broken Rules)Old School Musical (Playdius)Omvorm (4MB Interactive)One Strike (QubicGames)[import] Oomori Chari-Sou DX (Spicy Soft)Operation Hardcore (Greenlight Games)Operation Pig (Vikalb)OPUS: The Day We Found Earth (Flyhigh Works)OPUS: Rocket of Whispers (Flyhigh Works)[import] Order Land! (Poisoft)[import] Osyaberi! Horijyo! (Clouds Inc.)[import] Osyaberi! Kakejyo! Ubowareta Dot Coin wo Oe! (Clouds Inc.)Othello (Arc System Works)Otto (34BigThings)Oxyjet (Upstairs Digital)[import] Our Drop Eraser (SAT-BOX)Packet Queen # (Studio F-Sharp)Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 Plus (Bandai Namco)Paper Wars: Cannon Fodder Devastated (iFun4all)Parallel (34BigThings)Party Trivia (Sabec)Passpartout: The Starving Artist (Flamebait Games)Pato Box (Bromio)Peace, Death! Complete Edition (Hypetrain Digital)Percy’s Predicament Deluxe (Neopica)Perry Pig Jump (EntwicklerX)Phantaruk (Forever Entertainment)Phantom Trigger (tinyBuild Games)Photon Cube (Smileaxe)[import | English] Phrasefight (Mediascape)Physical Contact: 2048 (Collavier Corporation)Physical Contact: Picture Place (Collavier Corporation)Physical Contact: Speed (Collavier Corporation)Pianista: The Legendary Virtuoso (Superb Corporation)Pic-a-Pix Deluxe (Lightwood Games)Picross S (Jupiter Corporation)Picross S2 (Jupiter Corporation)Picture Painting Puzzle 1000! (Success Corporation)Piczle Colors (Rainy Frog)Piczle Lines DX (Rainy Frog)Piczle Lines DX: 500 More Puzzles! (Rainy Frog)Pikuniku (Devolver Digital)Ping Pong Trick Shot Evolution (Starsign)Pirates: All Aboard! (QubicGames)Pirate Pop Plus (13AM Games)Pixel Action Heroes (Cypronia)Planetarian: The Reverie of the Little Planet (Prototype)Plantera Deluxe (Ratalaika Games)[import] Platinum Train: Nihon Juudan Tetsudou no Tabi (J Contents)Please, Don’t Touch Anything (ForwardXP)Pocket Academy (Kairosoft)Pocket Rumble (Chucklefish Games)Pode (Henchman & Goon)Poisoft Thud Card (Poisoft)Pokemon Quest (Nintendo)Poly Bridge (Dry Cactus)Pool (Sabec)Pool Panic (Adult Swim Games)Pub Encounter (D3 Publisher)Pure / Electric Love “Everyone else!” – Ema Sakura (Dorasu)Pure / Electric Love “Look at my eyes!” – Moe Yamauchi (Dorasu)Pure / Electric Love “What do you want?” – Eri Kitami (Dorasu)Putty Pals (Harmonious Games)Puzzle Adventure Blockle (Intense)Puzzle Box Maker (Bplus)Puzzle Wall (Rainy Frog)Qbics Paint (Abylight Studios)Qbik (Forever Entertainment)Quad Fighter K (Aksys Games)Quranatine Circular (Ant Workshop)Radiation Island (Atyipcal Games)Rage in Peace (Toge Productions)Rally Racers (System 3)Realpolitiks: New Power (Forever Entertainment)[import] Rebellions: Secret Game 2nd Stage (Views)[import] RecoChoku (RecoChoku)Red Hot Ricochet (Everook)Red’s Kingdom (Rising Star Games)Reigns: Kings & Queens (Devolver Digital)Retimed (Stray Fawn Studio)Revertia (PLiCy)Roarr! Jurassic Edition (Klabater)Robothorium (Goblinz Studio)Robotto (JMJ Interactive)Rocket Fist (Bitten Toast Games)The Room (Team17)RXN: Raijin (Kayac)Saboteur! (SimFabric)[import] Saikyou no Mahjong: 100-Man’nin no Tame no Mahjong Dojo (Unbalance)Sally’s Law (Nanali)Samurai Aces for Nintendo Switch (Zerodiv)Samurai Defender: Ninja Warfare (Circle Entertainment)Santa Tracker (Onteca)Sausage Sports Club (Luckshot Games)Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San (Nicalis)Screen Cheat: Unplugged (Samurai Pink)Secret Files: Tunguska (Deep Silver)[import] Secret Game: Killer Queen (Views)Sega Ages Lightening Force: Quest for the Darkstar (Sega)Sega Ages Out Run (Sega)Sega Ages Phantasy Star (Sega)Sega Ages Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega)Semblance (Nyamakop)Senran Kagura Reflexions (XSEED Games)Shadow Bug (Muro Studios)Shadow Fight 2 (Nekki)Shelter Generations (Circle Entertainment)Shephy (Arc System Works)Shut Eye (Forever Entertainment)Silver Star Chess (Silver Star)[import] Simple Mahjong Online (Arc System Works)Six Sides of the World Enhanced (Dolores Entertainment)Skee-Ball (Ocean Media)Skies of Fury DX (Illumination Games)Sky Gamblers: Afterburner (Atypical Games)Sky Gamblers: Storm Raiders (Atypical Games)Skypeace (Sonic Powered)Sky Rogue (Fractal Phase)Sleep Tight (We Are Fuzzy)Sling Ming (Good Night Brave Warrior)Snowboarding: The Next Phase (Red Bull Media House)Soap Dodgem (Zsolt Fabian)Solar Flux (Firebrand Games)Solitaire Battle Royal (Making)Smoke and Sacrifice (Curve Digital)Snipperclips: Cut It Out, Together! (Nintendo)Soccer Slammers (Atooi)Sol Divide: Sword of Darkness for Nintendo Switch (Zerodiv)Solitaire (Sanuk Games)Solitaire Klondike Black (G-Mode Corporation)Solstice Chronicles: MIA (Circle Entertainment)Son of a Witch (Bigosaur)Soulblight (My Next Games)Spacecats with Lasers : The Outerspace (Bitten Toast Games)Space Ribbon (Onteca)The Sparkle 2: Evo (Forever Entertainment)The Sparkle 3: Genesis (Forever Entertainment)The Sparkle Zero (Forever Entertainment)Spelunker Party (Square Enix)SpiderSolitaire Black (G-Mode Corporation)Spider Solitaire F (Flyhigh Works)SpiritSphere DX (Fabraz)Splat the Fruit (West Coast Software)Splitter Critters (Rac7)Spoiler Alert (Megafuzz)Spot the Difference: Ultimate Edition (Sabec)Squids Odyssey (The Game Bakers)Star Ghost (Squarehead Studios)Starman (Nada Studio)Starship Avenger: Operation Take Back Earth (Tom Create)Star Story: The Horizon Escape (Forever Entertainment)Startide (Forever Entertainment)Steamburg (Monster Couch)The Stillness of the Wind (Lambic Studios)Storm in a Teacup (Rising Star Games)Stray Cat Doors (Pulsmo)Strikers 1945 for Nintendo Switch (Zerodiv)Strikers 1945 II for Nintendo Switch (Zerodiv)Stump (SimFabric)Stunt Kite Party (HandyGames)SubaraCity (Circle Entertainment)Subsurface Circular (Ant Workshop)Super Beat Sports (Harmonix)Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP (Capybara Games)Super Gachapon World: SD Gundam X (Bandai Namco)Super Hero Fight Club: Reloaded (QubicGames)Super Ineffecient Golf (34BigThings)Super Rock Blasters (QuadraTron Games)Superola and the Lost Burgers (Undergames)Super One More Jump (SMG Studio)Super Ping Pong Trick Shot (Starsign)Super Rocket Shootout (Plug In Digital)Super Saurio Fly (FraxelGames)Super Sportmatchen (Dangen Entertainment)Super Volley Blast (Unfinished Pixel)Surgeon Simulator CPR (Bossa Studios)[import] Suugaku Ryokuou: Chuugaku 1-Nen (media5)[import] Suugaku Ryokuou: Chuugaku 2-Nen (media5)[import] Suugaku Ryokuou: Chuugaku 3-Nen (media5)Swamp Defense 2 (EntwicklerX)Swap This! (Two Tribes)[import] Symphonic Rain (Kogado Studio)Swim Out (Lozange Lab)Sword of the Guardian (Billy Chan Studio)Tactical Mind (QubicGames)Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum ‘n’ Fun! (Bandai Namco)Tanzia (Arcanity)Tales of the Tiny Planet (Joindots)Tallowmere (Teyon)Tangledeep (Impact Gameworks)Tangrams Deluxe (Vertical Reach)Teddy the Wanderer: Kayaking (Forever Entertainment)Tengai for Nintendo Switch (Zerodiv)Tennis (D3 Publisher)[import] Tetjis (Silver Star)Tetris 99 (Nintendo)Them Bombs (Yellow Dot)THE Number Puzzle (D3 Publisher)Tied Together (Headup Games)Timberman VS (Forever Entertainment)Tinboy (Interactive Stone)Tiny Hands Adventure (Blue Sunset Games)Toast Time: Smash Up! (Force of Habit)[import] Tobeyo!! Dragon! (Silver Star)Toridama: Brave Challenge (G-Mode)[import] Toshokan SW Meisaku 100-Sen + Alpha (Dorasu)Totes the Goat (Atooi)Touch Battle Tank SP (Silver Star)Tower of Babel (EnjoyUp Games)Townsmen (HandyGames)Toy Stunt Bike: Tiptop’s Trials (Wobbly Tooth)The Trail: Frontier Challenge (22cans)Trax: Build It – Race It (Sabec)Trouserheart (Kyy Games)TurtlePop: Journey to Freedom (DigiPen Game Studios)Twin Robots: Ultimate Edition (Ratalaika Games)Trybit Logic (Himacs)Ultimate Runner (Treva Entertainment)Ultra Hyperball (Springloaded)Ultra Space Battle Brawl (Dangen Entertainment)Unicornicopia (Pocket Money Games)Unworthy (Aleksandar Kuzmanovic Games)Urban Trial Playground (Teyon)Utopia 9: A Volatile Vacation (QubicGames)Uurnog Uurnlimited (Raw Fury)Varion (Light Maze)Venture Towns (Kairosoft)Vertical Drop Heroes HD (Degica Games)Vertical Strike: Endless Challenge (Active Gaming Media)Violett (Forever Entertainment)Viviette (DYA Games)Voez (Flyhigh Works)Voxel Shot for Nintendo Switch (SAT-BOX)Vroom in the Night Sky (Poisoft)VSR: Void Space Racing (Sonka)Waku Waku Sweets (Sonic Powered)Wandersong (Dumb and Fat Games)The Warlock of Firetop Mountain: Goblin Scourge Edition! (Tin Man Games)Warp Shift (Isbit Games)The Way Remastered (Sonka)Werewolf Pinball (EnjoyUp Games)West of Loathing (Asymmetric)When Ski Lifts Go Wrong (Curve Digital)Whip! Whip! (Alpha-Unit)Wondershot (QubicGames)Woodle Tree Adventures Deluxe (Chubby Pixel)Word Search by POWGI (Lightwood Games)World Conqueror X (Circle Entertainment)World Neverland: Daily Life in the Elnea Kingdom for Nintendo Switch (Althi)World of Goo (Tomorrow Corporation)World Soccer Pinball (EnjoyUp Games)[import] World Wide Adventure! Collection (PLiCy)Yodanji (Kemco)Yono and the Celestial Elephants (Neckbolt Games)[import] Yukinko Daisenpuu: Sayuki to Koyuki no Hiehie Daisoudou (Starfish)Yuso (Vertical Reach)Zaccaria Pinball (Magic Pixel)Zarvot (Snowhydra Games)Zen Bound 2 (Secret Exit)Zero Gunner 2 for Nintendo Switch (Zerodiv)Zombie Gold Rush (Amazing)Zombie Night Terror (Plug In Digital)Zombie Panic in Wonderland DX (Akaoni Studio)Zombillie (Forever Entertainment)Zotrix: Solar Division (ZeroBit Games) Read more at https://gematsu.com/exclusives/switch#Duc0LLTwlIWtOtfC.99 Как посчитаешь, КЕК'алку свою проверь, чтоб не засорилась. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
buhoyman 569 Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 Поделиться Опубликовано: 20 февраля 2019 RetailAnimal Crossing (Nintendo)Astral Chain (Nintendo)Bayonetta 3 (Nintendo)Cytus Alpha (Flyhigh Works)Daemon X Machina (Nintendo)[Pending] Darius Cozmic Collection (Taito)Disney Tsum Tsum Festival (Bandai Namco)[import] Doraemon: Nobita’s Chronicle of the Moon Exploration (FuRyu)[Pending] Doraemon: Nobita no Bokujou Monogatari (Bandai Namco)Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age Definitive Edition (Nintendo)Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Nintendo)Fun! Fun! Animal Park (Aksys Games)Geminose: Animal Popstars (Starbreeze Studios)Grandia I + II HD Remaster (GungHo Online Entertainment)[import] Hakuoki Next (Idea Factory)Hyper Sports R (Konami)[import | English] Kamen Rider: Climax Scramble (Bandai Namco)Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and The Millionaires’ Conspiracy Deluxe Edition (Level-5)The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening (Nintendo)Luigi’s Mansion 3 (Nintendo)Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order (Activision)Metroid Prime 4 (Nintendo)[Pending] Ninja Box (Bandai Namco)Ninjala (GungHo Online Entertainment)[import] Omega Labyrinth Life (D3 Publisher)[import] Omega Vampire (Prototype)OPUS Collection: The Day We Found Earth + Rocket of Whispers (Flyhigh Works)[import] Oshiete Onedari Shogi (Silver Star)[Pending] Peach Ball: Senran Kagura (Marvelous)Pokemon Core Series RPG Project (Nintendo)Rune Factory 4 Special (XSEED Games)Rune Factory 5 (XSEED Games)Shin Megami Tensei V (Atlus)[Pending] Shironeko New Project (Colopl)[Pending] The Snack World: Trejarers Gold (Level-5)[import] Sumikko Gurashi: Atsumare! Sumikko Town (Nippon Columbia)Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission (Bandai Namco)Super Mario Maker 2 (Nintendo)[Pending] Umihara Kawase Fresh! (Success Corporation)[Pending] Work x Work (FuRyu)[Pending] Yo-kai Watch 4 (Level-5)Yoshi’s Crafted World (Nintendo)[import] Zoids Wild: King of Blast (Takara Tomy A.R.T.S)DigitalA Dark Room (Circle Entertainment)[import] A-Kei Otaku Kanojo (Worker Bee)[import] Another Eden: The Cat That Travels Through Space and Time (GREE)Baba Is You (Hempuli Oy)Battlloon (Unties)Box Boy! + Box Girl! (Nintendo)Bullet Age (Liv Games)[Pending] Bustafellows (Extend)Button Button (Circle Entertainment)[Pending] Captain StarONE (Flyhigh Works)[Pending] Creeping Terror [Re:] (Mebius)[Pending] Daihanjou! Manpuku Marche: Gourmet Story (Flyhigh Works)Dandy & Randy (Forever Entertainment)Dungeon Stars (Furnace Games)Dusk Diver (JFi Games)Eagle Island (Screenwave Media)Emerald & Mrs. Ghost: The Ship that Never Returns (Flyhigh Works)Forever Forest (Fictive Studio)FUZE Code Studio (FUZE Technologies)Georifters (Busy Toaster)Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminoux Avenger iX (Inti Creates)[Pending] Ise Shima Mystery Guide: The False Black Pearl (Flyhigh Works)Inmost (Chucklefish)Killer Queen Black (Liquid Bit)King of the Hat (Hyroglyphik Games)KnightOut (2nd Studio)Levelhead (Butterscotch Shenanigans)The Low Road (XGen Studios)Lunaxxx (Pygmy Studio)Mineko’s Night Market (Meowza Games)Muse Dash (X.D. Network)My Friend Pedro (Devolver Digital)My Girlfriend is a Mermaid!? (Sekai Project)PlataGO! Super Platform Game Maker (PQube)Protoform (Circle Entertainment)[Pending] Royal Anapoko Academy (Ancient Games)Samurai Gunn 2 (Teknopants)Scrap Rush! (Acquire)Seasons of Heaven (AnyArts Production)Sengoku Cannon for Nintendo Switch (Zerodiv)The Shrouded Isle (Kitfox Games)Slay the Spire (Mega Crit Games)Slime Tactics (Flyhigh Works)SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech (Flyhigh Works)Sumer (Studio Wumpus)Super Crush KO (Vertex Pop)Synaptic Drive (Thousand Games)[Pending] Susume!! Mamotte Knight: Hime no Totsugeki Serenade (Ancient Games)Tale of the Ice Staff (Zodiac Interactive)Tick Tock: A Tale for Two (Other Tales Interactive)[Pending] Together! The Battle Cats (Ponos)Town (Game Freak)Transiruby (Flyhigh Works)Treasurenauts (Renegade Kid)Untitled Goose Game (Panic)Western 1849 Reloaded (Nawia Games)Windjammers 2 (DotEmu)The World Next Store (VIZ Media)Xeno Crisis (Bitmap Bureau)Yume Nikki: Dream Diary (Active Gaming Media)ReleasedRetail1-2-Switch (Nintendo)Arms (Nintendo)Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack (Nighthawk Interactive)Bayonetta 2 (Nintendo)[import] Beyblade Burst: Battle Zero (FuRyu)[import] Billion Road (Bandai Namco)Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Nintendo)Cave Story+ (Nicalis)[import] Cendrillon palikA (Idea Factory)[import] Champion Jockey Special (Koei Tecmo)[import] Chou Tousouchuu & Chou Sentouchuu Double Pack (Bandai Namco)Code of Princess EX (Nicalis)[import] Cube Creator X (Arc System Works)[import] Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai: Library Party (Aria Soft)Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Nintendo)[import] Dragon Quest Heroes I•II for Nintendo Switch (Square Enix)Fire Emblem Warriors (Nintendo)Fitness Boxing (Nintendo)Flashback 25th Anniversary (Microids)Gal Metal (XSEED Games)Gear.Club Unlimited (Microids)Gear.Club Unlimited 2 (Microids)[import] Gesshizu: Gajigaji Nakama wo Sodateyou (Nippon Columbia)Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams – Owltimate Edition (HandyGames)[import] Gotouchi Tetsudou for Nintendo Switch (Bandai Namco)Go Vacation (Nintendo)Happy Birthdays (NIS America)Hello Kitty Kruisers (Rising Star Games)[import] Hifumi Katou-Supervised Hifumin’s Shogi Dojo (Pocket)[import] Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Hou (Entergram)Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition (Nintendo)Ittle Dew 2+ (Nicalis)Katamari Damacy Reroll (Bandai Namco)Kirby: Star Allies (Nintendo)The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Nintendo)[import] Little Friends: Dogs & Cats (Imagineer)Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo)Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle (Ubisoft)Mario Tennis Aces (Nintendo)Monopoly for Nintendo Switch (Ubisoft)Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (Capcom)Namco Museum Arcade Pac (Bandai Namco)[import] Nari Kids Park: HUGtto! PreCure (Bandai Namco)[import] Nari Kids Park: Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patoranger (Bandai Namco)[import] Nari Kids Park: Ultraman R/B (Bandai Namco)[import] Neko Tomo (Bandai Namco)New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe (Nintendo)[import] Nil Admirari no Tenbin: Irodori Nadeshiko (Idea Factory)Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 01: Variety Kit (Nintendo)Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 02: Robot Kit (Nintendo)Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 03: Vehicle Kit (Nintendo)[import] NORN9 LOFN for Nintendo Switch (Idea Factory)Octopath Traveler (Nintendo)Party Arcade (Planet Entertainment)Party Planet (Mastiff)[import] Pikachin-Kit: Game de Pirameki Daisakusen (FuRyu)Poi: Explorer Edition (PolyKid)Pokemon Let’s Go, Pikachu / Let’s Go, Eevee (Nintendo)Pokken Tournament DX (Nintendo)[import] PriPara: All Idol Perfect Stage (Takara Tomy A.R.T.S)[import] Pro Yakyuu Famista Evolution (Bandai Namco)Rayman Legends: Definitive Edition (Ubisoft)Rollercoaster Tycoon Adventures (Atari)Runner3 (Nicalis)[import] Seiken Densetsu Collection (Square Enix)Sid Meier’s Civilization VI (2K Games)Snipperclips Plus: Cut It Out, Together! (Nintendo)SNK 40th Anniversary Collection (NIS America)Soldam: Drop, Connect, Erase (Dispatch Games)Splatoon 2 (Nintendo)Sports Party (Ubisoft)[import] Sumikko Gurashi: Sumikko Park he Youkoso (Nippon Columbia)Super Bomberman R (Konami)Super Mario Odyssey (Nintendo)Super Mario Party (Nintendo)Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Nintendo)Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido (Nintendo)Tiny Barbarian DX (Nicalis)Toki (Microids)Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes (Grasshopper Manufacture)Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers (Capcom)The World Ends With You: Final Remix (Nintendo)Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Nintendo)Digital1917: The Alien Invasion DX (Korion)10 Second Run Returns (Blueprint)1001 Ultimate Mahjong 2 (Nawia Games)2064: Read Only Memories Integral (MidBoss)60 Seconds (Robot Gentleman)7 Billion Humans (Tomorrow Corporation)99Moves (EnjoyUp Games)99Seconds (EnjoyUp Games)Abyss (EnjoyUp Games)ACA NEOGEO: Art of Fighting 3 (Hamster)ACA NEOGEO: Garou: Mark of the Wolves (Hamster)ACA NEOGEO: The King of Fighters 2000 (Hamster)ACA NEOGEO: World Heroes Perfect (Hamster)ACORN Tactics (TACS Games)The Adventures of Bertram Fiddle (Chorus Worldwide Games)The Adventures of Elena Temple (GrimTalin)Agartha-S (Mebius)Air Hockey (Sabec)Air Mail (N-Fusion Interactive)Akihabara Crash! 123 Stage + 1 (Dorasu)Akihabara: Feel the Rhythm Remixed (JMJ Interactive)Almightree: The Last Dreamer (West Coast Software)A Magical High School Girl (Sekai Project)The Amazing Shinsengumi: Heroes in Love (D3 Publisher)Ambition of the Slimes (Flyhigh Works)Ancient Rush 2 (Heideland GameWorks)Angels of Death (Active Gaming Media)Animal Hunter Z (Starsign)Animated Jigsaws: Beautiful Japanese Scenery (Rainy Frog)Animated Jigsaws: Beautiful Japanese Women (Rainy Frog)Animated Jigsaws: Wild Animals (Rainy Frog)Animus (Troooze)A Normal Lost Phone (Plug In Digital)Another Lost Phone: Laura’s Story (Plug In Digital)Aperion Cyberstorm (aPriori Digital)Arcade Archives: Donkey Kong (Hamster)Arcade Archives: Donkey Kong Jr. (Hamster)Arcade Archives: Excitebike (Hamster)Arcade Archives: Mario Bros. (Hamster)Arcade Archives: Punch-Out!! (Hamster)Arcade Archives: Sky Skipper (Hamster)Arena of Valor (Tencent Games)A Robot Named Fight (Hitcents)Astro Bears Party (QubicGames)Astro Duel Deluxe (Panic Button)Atomik: RunGunJumpGun (ThirtyThree)Avenger Bird (Ultimate Games)Awe (BadLand Publishing)Ayakashi Koi Gikyoku: Forbidden Romance with Mysterious Spirit (Digimerce)Bad Dream: Coma (Forever Entertainment)Bad North (Raw Fury)BAFL: Brakes Are For Losers (Playdius)Balance BloX (EntwicklerX)Baobabs Mausoleum Ep.1: Ovnifagos Don’t Eat Flamingos (Zerouno Games)Basketball (Sabec)Battery Jam (Halseo)Battle Chef Brigade (Adult Swim)Battle Group 2 (Merge Games)Battle Supremacy (Atypical Games)Bayonetta (Nintendo)Beat Rush (FuryLion Group)Beekyr Reloaded (Akaoni Studio)Behind the Screen (Cosen)Billiard (D3 Publisher)Bingo for Nintendo Switch (Starsign)Black Bird (Onion Games)Blaster Master Zero (Inti Creates)Bleep Bloop (Zerouno Games)BlobCat (BySamb)Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King (FDG Entertainment)Bloxiq (Blot Interactive)Bomb Chicken (Nitrome)Boom Ball: Boost Edition (Virtual Air Guitar Company)Boom Beast (Arc System Works)Bouncy Bob (Sonka)BQM: BlockQuest Maker (Wonderland Kazakiri)Brave Dungeon + Dark Witch Story: Combat (Inside System)#Breakforcist Battle (Lucid Sheep Games)[import] Buddy Collection if (PLiCy)Burnstar (Gearbox Publishing)Bury Me, My Love (Plug In Digital)Cake Laboratory (Grimtalin)Calculation Castle: Greco’s Ghostly Challenge “Addition” (media5)Calculation Castle: Greco’s Ghostly Challenge “Division” (media5)Calculation Castle: Greco’s Ghostly Challenge “Multiplication” (media5)Calculation Castle: Greco’s Ghostly Challenge “Subtraction” (media5)Carcassonne (Asmodee Digtial)Car Quest (Ezone)Castle of Heart (7levels)Catch ‘Em! Goldfish Scooping (D3 Publisher)Cattails (Falcon Development)Caveblazers (Yogscast)Chalk Dash Carnival (SAT-BOX)Chameleon Run Deluxe Edition (Cinemax)The Charming Empire (D3 Publisher)Chiki-Chiki Boxy Racers (Unties)Chrono Clash: Fantasy Tactics (Tyler Projects)Circle of Sumo (Belka)City Builder (BoomBox)[import] Choju Giga Wars (Silver Star Japan)Cinderella: An Interactive Fairy Tale (Golden Orb)[import] Class of Heroes: Anniversary Edition (Acquire)Clock Simulator (Kool2Play)Clue: The Classic Mystery Game (Marmalade Game Studio)Combat Core (MABManZ)Collidalot (Grunka Munka Games)Coloring Book (QubicGames)Color Zen (Cypronia)Color Zen Kids (Cypronia)Conduct Together! (Northplay)Crashlands (Butterscotch Shenanigans)CricktoGame: Nintendo Switch Edition (Polygon-e Studios)Crush Your Enemies! (Vile Monarch)Cycle 28 (Pill Bug Interactive)Danger Mouse: The Danger Games (9th Impact)Danmaku Unlimited 3 (Doragon Entertainment)The Darkside Detective (Isometric Dreams)Dark Witch Music Episode: Rudymical (Flyhigh Works)Darts Up (EnjoyUp Games)Dawn of the Breakers (CyberStep)Dead Fun Pack: Penguins and Aliens Strike Again (EnjoyUp Games)[import] Dear My Abyss (Regista)Defoliation (Cosen)De Mambo (The Dangerous Kitchen)Deru: The Art of Cooperation (Ink Kit)Desktop Soccer (SAT-BOX)Destiny’s Princess: A War Story, A Love Story (D3 Publisher)Destruction (Cosen)Dexteritrip (Undergames)Diggerman (Forever Entertainment)Dimension Drive (2Awesome Studio)Don’t Sink (Hitcents)Disease: Hidden Object (D3 Publisher)Double Cross (Graffiti Games)Dragon Blaze for Nintendo Switch (Zerodiv)Dragon Fang Z: The Rose & Dungeon of Time (Toydea)Dragon: Marked for Death (Inti Creates)Dream Alone (Fat Dog Games)Drift Legends (Luxtrade)Drone Fight (Silver Star)Dungeon Village (Kairosoft)Earth Atlantis (Headup Games)Earthworms (Sonka)Eat Beat Deadspike-san (Arc System Works)Eggggg (Hyper Games)Element (Flightless)Elemental Knights R (Winlight)Enchanting Mahjong Match (D3 Publisher)Escape Doodland (QubicGames)Escape Game: Aloha (Silver Star Japan)Escape Trick: 35 Fateful Enigmas (D3 Publisher)Estiman (Kool2Play)Exorder (Fat Dog Games)Extreme Poker (Dorasu)Fairune Collection (Flyhigh Works)Fairy Tale Puzzles: Magic Objects (Adore Company)[import] Family Card Games SP (Arc System Works)Farm Expert 2018 for Nintendo Switch (SimFabric)Fast RMX (Shin’en Multimedia)[import | English] Fight of Gods (Cosen)Final Light, The Prison (EnjoyUp Games)Find the Balance (Wastelands Interactive)Fishing Star: World Tour (WFS)Fishing Universe Simulator (Forever Entertainment)Flat Heroes (Parallel Circles)Flip Over Frog (Mutan)Flip Wars (Over Fence)Flood of Light (Indienova)Floor Kids (MERJ Media)Flowlines VS (Baltoro Games)Fly O’Clock (Forever Entertainment)Food Truck Tycoon (Baltoro Games)Football Manager Touch 2018 (Sega)Football Manager 2019 Touch (Sega)Forever Forest (Fictive Studio)Forgotten Tales: Day of the Dead (Green Sauce Games)Framed Collection (Loveshack)Frederic: The Resurrection of Music (Forever Entertainment)Frederic 2: Evil Strikes Back (Forever Entertainment)Freecell Battle King (Making)Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle (Blue Wizard Digital)FruitFall Crush (System 3 Software)FunBox Party (Drageus Games)Funghi Puzzle: Funghi Explosion (D3 Publisher)Gabucchi (h.a.n.d.)Game Dev Story (Kairosoft)Gakuen Club (D3 Publisher)Gaokao.Love.100Days (Navilla Software Japan)Garage (tinyBuild)Gekido Gintaro’s Revenge (Naps Team)Gelly Break (EuroVideo Medien)Gem Crash (Double Drive)Gem Smashers (Treva Entertainment)GetAmped Mobile (CyberStep)Glaive: Brick Breaker (Blue Sunset Games)Goetia (Forever Entertainment)Golf Story (Sidebar Games)GoNNER (Raw Fury)Gorogoa (Annapurna Interactive)Gotcha Racing 2nd (Arc System Works)Grab Lab (Forever Entertainment)Graceful Explosion Machine (Vertex Pop)Grandpa and the Zombies (Tivola)Green (Studio Green)Grid Mania (QubicGames)GRIS (Devolver Digital)Guess the Character (JanuSoft)Gunbarich for Nintendo Switch (Zerodiv)Gunbird for Nintendo Switch (Zerodiv)Gunbird 2 for Nintendo Switch (Zerodiv)HackyZack (Digerati)Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander (Massive Damage)Hardway Party (Wastelands Interactive)Harvest Life (Rokapublish)Heroki (Picomy)Hexologic (MythicOwl)Hidden Folks (Adriaan de Jongh)Hiragana Pixel Party! (Springloaded)Hollow (Forever Entertainment)Hollow Knight (Team Cherry)[import] Honkai AI Tousai: Daifugou (Silver Star)Hot Gimmick Cosplay-jong for Nintendo Switch (Zerodiv)Horizon Shift ’81 (Funbox Media)[import] Hototogisu Tairan 1553: Ryuuko Aiutsu (Granzella)Hot Springs Story (Kairosoft)Human Resource Machine (Tomorrow Corporation)Hunter’s Legacy: Purrfect Edition (Lienzo)Hyperide (Kool2Play)Hyperide: Vector Raid (Arts Alliance)I and Me (Ratalaika Games)Ice Cream Surfer (Dolores Entertainment)Implosion: Never Lose Hope (Flyhigh Works)Inops (ZRZStudio)Instant Tennis (BreakFirst Games)Into the Breach (Subset Games)Invisiballs (Digital Kingdom)Iris School of Wizardry: Vinculum Hearts (Digimerce)Iro Hero (Eastasiasoft)Ivanych vs Eared Beast (Beatshapers)[import] Jang-Navi Mahjong Online (Winlight)Japanese Mah-jongg (ITL)JCB Pioneer: Mars (Atomicom)Job the Leprechaun (Herrero Games)Joggernauts (Graffiti Games)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Bad Dudes (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Break Thru (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Express Raider (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Fighter’s History (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Gate of Doom (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Heavy Barrel (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Heavy Burger (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Joe & Mac Caveman Ninja (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Night Slashers (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Nitro Ball (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Shoot Out (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Sly Spy (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Super Burger Time (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Two Crude Dudes (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Wizard Fire (Flying Tiger Entertainment)Julie’s Sweets (Ocean Media)Jumping Joe & Friends (QubicGames)Jurassic Pinball (QubicGames)Just Shapes & Beats (Berzerk Studio)Kadobat Wars (Ittaro)[import] Kagoniwa no Cock Robin (SEEC)Kamiko (Flyhigh Works)[import] Kanazawa Shogi: Level 300 (Unbalance)The Keep (Cinemax)[import] Keiji J.B. Harold no Jikenbo: Murder Club (Mebius)[import] Keiji J.B. Harold no Jikenbo: Manhattan Requiem (Mebius)[import] Keiji J.B. Harold no Jikenbo: Kiss of Murder (Mebius)Kemono Friends Picross (Jupiter)Kensho (Fiftytwo)Kentucky Robo Chicken (Solid9)Kitty Love: Way to Look for Love (Digimerce)Knight Terrors (Nicalis)Knock ‘Em Down Bowling (D3 Publisher)Koloro (QubicGames)KORG Gadget for Nintendo Switch (Detune)Kuso (Mozukai Studio)Lanota (Flyhigh Works)Legendary Eleven (Eclipse Games)The Legend of Evil (Springloaded Software)Leopoldo Manquiseil (BadLand Publishing)Levels+: Addictive Puzzle Game (Flow)L.F.O.: Lost Future Omega (Mebius)Lichtspeer: Double Speer Edition (Lichthund)Light Fall (Bishop Games)Light Fingers (Numizmatic)Lightseekers (PlayFusion)The Lion’s Song (Mipumi Games)Little Inferno (Tomorrow Corporation)Lode Runner Legacy (Tozai Games)Long Story: A Dating Game for the Real World (Bloom Digital)Loot Monkey: Bling Palace (Tackorama)Lost in Harmony (Playdius)Lost Phone Stories (Plug In Digital)Luke & Rebecca (Racjin)Mad Carnage (QubicGames)Madorica Real Estate (Gift Ten Industry)Magic Nations (PrimeBit Games)Magic Scroll Tactics (Mediascape)Mahjong (Sanuk Games)The Mahjong Huntress (Forever Entertainment)Mahjong Solitaire Refresh (Sunsoft)Mana Spark (QubicGames)Manticore: Galaxy on Fire (Deep Silver)Marble It Up! (Bad Habit Productions)Mecha Storm (ENP Games)Mech Rage (Drageus Games)Membrane (Perfect Hat)The Men of Yoshiwara: Kikuya (D3 Publisher)The Men of Yoshiwara: Ohgiya (D3 Publisher)Mentori Puzzle (ITL)Mercenaries Saga Chronicles (Circle Entertainment)Merchants of Kaidan (Forever Entertainment)Mercury Race (Herrero Games)The Messenger (Sabotage Studio)Mighty Gunvolt Burst (Inti Creates)Miles & Kilo (Four Horses)Mimpi Dreams (Dreadlocks)Mini Metro (Radial Games)[import] Minna de Daifugou (Cellnavi)[import] Minna de Kuuki Yomi (G-Mode Corporation)[import] Moero Chronicle H (Compile Heart)Mom Hid My Game! (Kemco)Monkey Wall (Cosen)Moorhuhn Knights & Castles (Young Fun Studio)Moorhuhn Remake (Young Fun Studio)Moorhuhn Wanted (Young Fun Studio)Mordheim: Warband Skirmish (Legendary Games)Morphies Law (Cosmoscope)Mr. Shifty (TinyBuild)Ms. Splosion Man (Twisted Pixel)Muddledash (Slampunks)MUJO (Oink Games)Mummy Pinball (EnjoyUp Games)My Farm (BiP Media)My Exotic Farm 2018 (BiP Media)The Mystery of the Hudson Case (Magic Frame Studios)NAIRI: Tower of Shirin (Another Indie Studio)Namco Museum (Bandai Namco)[import] Nanami to Issho ni Manabo! English Joutatsu no Kotsu Rironhen (media5)[import] Nanami to Issho ni Manabo! TOEIC Listening and Reading Test Kanzen Master (media5)[import] Nazotoki Mail (Silver Star)Neko Navy: Daydream Edition (Fruitbat Factory)Neo Atlas 1469 (Acquire)Neonwall (JanduSoft)[import] Net Catcher Netch (Netch)Neverout (Gamedust)Never Stop Sneakin’ (Humble Hearts)New Frontier Days: Founding Pioneers (Arc System Works)New Star Manager (New Star Games)The Next Penelope (Aurelien Regard)Nightshade (D3 Publisher)Ninja Striker (Flyhigh Works)NoReload Heroes (Forever Entertainment)No Thing (Forever Entertainment)Nuclien (Springloaded Software)Numbala (Neurodio)[import | English] Numpla 10000 (Success Corporation)Octahedron: Transfixed Edition (Square Enix Collective)Octocopter: Double or Squids (TACS Games)Of Mice and Sand: Revised (Arc System Works)OkunoKA (Ignition Publishing)[import] Okuri Inu (Mebius)Old Man’s Journey (Broken Rules)Old School Musical (Playdius)Omvorm (4MB Interactive)One Strike (QubicGames)[import] Oomori Chari-Sou DX (Spicy Soft)Operation Hardcore (Greenlight Games)Operation Pig (Vikalb)OPUS: The Day We Found Earth (Flyhigh Works)OPUS: Rocket of Whispers (Flyhigh Works)[import] Order Land! (Poisoft)[import] Osyaberi! Horijyo! (Clouds Inc.)[import] Osyaberi! Kakejyo! Ubowareta Dot Coin wo Oe! (Clouds Inc.)Othello (Arc System Works)Otto (34BigThings)Oxyjet (Upstairs Digital)[import] Our Drop Eraser (SAT-BOX)Packet Queen # (Studio F-Sharp)Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 Plus (Bandai Namco)Paper Wars: Cannon Fodder Devastated (iFun4all)Parallel (34BigThings)Party Trivia (Sabec)Passpartout: The Starving Artist (Flamebait Games)Pato Box (Bromio)Peace, Death! Complete Edition (Hypetrain Digital)Percy’s Predicament Deluxe (Neopica)Perry Pig Jump (EntwicklerX)Phantaruk (Forever Entertainment)Phantom Trigger (tinyBuild Games)Photon Cube (Smileaxe)[import | English] Phrasefight (Mediascape)Physical Contact: 2048 (Collavier Corporation)Physical Contact: Picture Place (Collavier Corporation)Physical Contact: Speed (Collavier Corporation)Pianista: The Legendary Virtuoso (Superb Corporation)Pic-a-Pix Deluxe (Lightwood Games)Picross S (Jupiter Corporation)Picross S2 (Jupiter Corporation)Picture Painting Puzzle 1000! (Success Corporation)Piczle Colors (Rainy Frog)Piczle Lines DX (Rainy Frog)Piczle Lines DX: 500 More Puzzles! (Rainy Frog)Pikuniku (Devolver Digital)Ping Pong Trick Shot Evolution (Starsign)Pirates: All Aboard! (QubicGames)Pirate Pop Plus (13AM Games)Pixel Action Heroes (Cypronia)Planetarian: The Reverie of the Little Planet (Prototype)Plantera Deluxe (Ratalaika Games)[import] Platinum Train: Nihon Juudan Tetsudou no Tabi (J Contents)Please, Don’t Touch Anything (ForwardXP)Pocket Academy (Kairosoft)Pocket Rumble (Chucklefish Games)Pode (Henchman & Goon)Poisoft Thud Card (Poisoft)Pokemon Quest (Nintendo)Poly Bridge (Dry Cactus)Pool (Sabec)Pool Panic (Adult Swim Games)Pub Encounter (D3 Publisher)Pure / Electric Love “Everyone else!” – Ema Sakura (Dorasu)Pure / Electric Love “Look at my eyes!” – Moe Yamauchi (Dorasu)Pure / Electric Love “What do you want?” – Eri Kitami (Dorasu)Putty Pals (Harmonious Games)Puzzle Adventure Blockle (Intense)Puzzle Box Maker (Bplus)Puzzle Wall (Rainy Frog)Qbics Paint (Abylight Studios)Qbik (Forever Entertainment)Quad Fighter K (Aksys Games)Quranatine Circular (Ant Workshop)Radiation Island (Atyipcal Games)Rage in Peace (Toge Productions)Rally Racers (System 3)Realpolitiks: New Power (Forever Entertainment)[import] Rebellions: Secret Game 2nd Stage (Views)[import] RecoChoku (RecoChoku)Red Hot Ricochet (Everook)Red’s Kingdom (Rising Star Games)Reigns: Kings & Queens (Devolver Digital)Retimed (Stray Fawn Studio)Revertia (PLiCy)Roarr! Jurassic Edition (Klabater)Robothorium (Goblinz Studio)Robotto (JMJ Interactive)Rocket Fist (Bitten Toast Games)The Room (Team17)RXN: Raijin (Kayac)Saboteur! (SimFabric)[import] Saikyou no Mahjong: 100-Man’nin no Tame no Mahjong Dojo (Unbalance)Sally’s Law (Nanali)Samurai Aces for Nintendo Switch (Zerodiv)Samurai Defender: Ninja Warfare (Circle Entertainment)Santa Tracker (Onteca)Sausage Sports Club (Luckshot Games)Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San (Nicalis)Screen Cheat: Unplugged (Samurai Pink)Secret Files: Tunguska (Deep Silver)[import] Secret Game: Killer Queen (Views)Sega Ages Lightening Force: Quest for the Darkstar (Sega)Sega Ages Out Run (Sega)Sega Ages Phantasy Star (Sega)Sega Ages Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega)Semblance (Nyamakop)Senran Kagura Reflexions (XSEED Games)Shadow Bug (Muro Studios)Shadow Fight 2 (Nekki)Shelter Generations (Circle Entertainment)Shephy (Arc System Works)Shut Eye (Forever Entertainment)Silver Star Chess (Silver Star)[import] Simple Mahjong Online (Arc System Works)Six Sides of the World Enhanced (Dolores Entertainment)Skee-Ball (Ocean Media)Skies of Fury DX (Illumination Games)Sky Gamblers: Afterburner (Atypical Games)Sky Gamblers: Storm Raiders (Atypical Games)Skypeace (Sonic Powered)Sky Rogue (Fractal Phase)Sleep Tight (We Are Fuzzy)Sling Ming (Good Night Brave Warrior)Snowboarding: The Next Phase (Red Bull Media House)Soap Dodgem (Zsolt Fabian)Solar Flux (Firebrand Games)Solitaire Battle Royal (Making)Smoke and Sacrifice (Curve Digital)Snipperclips: Cut It Out, Together! (Nintendo)Soccer Slammers (Atooi)Sol Divide: Sword of Darkness for Nintendo Switch (Zerodiv)Solitaire (Sanuk Games)Solitaire Klondike Black (G-Mode Corporation)Solstice Chronicles: MIA (Circle Entertainment)Son of a Witch (Bigosaur)Soulblight (My Next Games)Spacecats with Lasers : The Outerspace (Bitten Toast Games)Space Ribbon (Onteca)The Sparkle 2: Evo (Forever Entertainment)The Sparkle 3: Genesis (Forever Entertainment)The Sparkle Zero (Forever Entertainment)Spelunker Party (Square Enix)SpiderSolitaire Black (G-Mode Corporation)Spider Solitaire F (Flyhigh Works)SpiritSphere DX (Fabraz)Splat the Fruit (West Coast Software)Splitter Critters (Rac7)Spoiler Alert (Megafuzz)Spot the Difference: Ultimate Edition (Sabec)Squids Odyssey (The Game Bakers)Star Ghost (Squarehead Studios)Starman (Nada Studio)Starship Avenger: Operation Take Back Earth (Tom Create)Star Story: The Horizon Escape (Forever Entertainment)Startide (Forever Entertainment)Steamburg (Monster Couch)The Stillness of the Wind (Lambic Studios)Storm in a Teacup (Rising Star Games)Stray Cat Doors (Pulsmo)Strikers 1945 for Nintendo Switch (Zerodiv)Strikers 1945 II for Nintendo Switch (Zerodiv)Stump (SimFabric)Stunt Kite Party (HandyGames)SubaraCity (Circle Entertainment)Subsurface Circular (Ant Workshop)Super Beat Sports (Harmonix)Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP (Capybara Games)Super Gachapon World: SD Gundam X (Bandai Namco)Super Hero Fight Club: Reloaded (QubicGames)Super Ineffecient Golf (34BigThings)Super Rock Blasters (QuadraTron Games)Superola and the Lost Burgers (Undergames)Super One More Jump (SMG Studio)Super Ping Pong Trick Shot (Starsign)Super Rocket Shootout (Plug In Digital)Super Saurio Fly (FraxelGames)Super Sportmatchen (Dangen Entertainment)Super Volley Blast (Unfinished Pixel)Surgeon Simulator CPR (Bossa Studios)[import] Suugaku Ryokuou: Chuugaku 1-Nen (media5)[import] Suugaku Ryokuou: Chuugaku 2-Nen (media5)[import] Suugaku Ryokuou: Chuugaku 3-Nen (media5)Swamp Defense 2 (EntwicklerX)Swap This! (Two Tribes)[import] Symphonic Rain (Kogado Studio)Swim Out (Lozange Lab)Sword of the Guardian (Billy Chan Studio)Tactical Mind (QubicGames)Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum ‘n’ Fun! (Bandai Namco)Tanzia (Arcanity)Tales of the Tiny Planet (Joindots)Tallowmere (Teyon)Tangledeep (Impact Gameworks)Tangrams Deluxe (Vertical Reach)Teddy the Wanderer: Kayaking (Forever Entertainment)Tengai for Nintendo Switch (Zerodiv)Tennis (D3 Publisher)[import] Tetjis (Silver Star)Tetris 99 (Nintendo)Them Bombs (Yellow Dot)THE Number Puzzle (D3 Publisher)Tied Together (Headup Games)Timberman VS (Forever Entertainment)Tinboy (Interactive Stone)Tiny Hands Adventure (Blue Sunset Games)Toast Time: Smash Up! (Force of Habit)[import] Tobeyo!! Dragon! (Silver Star)Toridama: Brave Challenge (G-Mode)[import] Toshokan SW Meisaku 100-Sen + Alpha (Dorasu)Totes the Goat (Atooi)Touch Battle Tank SP (Silver Star)Tower of Babel (EnjoyUp Games)Townsmen (HandyGames)Toy Stunt Bike: Tiptop’s Trials (Wobbly Tooth)The Trail: Frontier Challenge (22cans)Trax: Build It – Race It (Sabec)Trouserheart (Kyy Games)TurtlePop: Journey to Freedom (DigiPen Game Studios)Twin Robots: Ultimate Edition (Ratalaika Games)Trybit Logic (Himacs)Ultimate Runner (Treva Entertainment)Ultra Hyperball (Springloaded)Ultra Space Battle Brawl (Dangen Entertainment)Unicornicopia (Pocket Money Games)Unworthy (Aleksandar Kuzmanovic Games)Urban Trial Playground (Teyon)Utopia 9: A Volatile Vacation (QubicGames)Uurnog Uurnlimited (Raw Fury)Varion (Light Maze)Venture Towns (Kairosoft)Vertical Drop Heroes HD (Degica Games)Vertical Strike: Endless Challenge (Active Gaming Media)Violett (Forever Entertainment)Viviette (DYA Games)Voez (Flyhigh Works)Voxel Shot for Nintendo Switch (SAT-BOX)Vroom in the Night Sky (Poisoft)VSR: Void Space Racing (Sonka)Waku Waku Sweets (Sonic Powered)Wandersong (Dumb and Fat Games)The Warlock of Firetop Mountain: Goblin Scourge Edition! (Tin Man Games)Warp Shift (Isbit Games)The Way Remastered (Sonka)Werewolf Pinball (EnjoyUp Games)West of Loathing (Asymmetric)When Ski Lifts Go Wrong (Curve Digital)Whip! Whip! (Alpha-Unit)Wondershot (QubicGames)Woodle Tree Adventures Deluxe (Chubby Pixel)Word Search by POWGI (Lightwood Games)World Conqueror X (Circle Entertainment)World Neverland: Daily Life in the Elnea Kingdom for Nintendo Switch (Althi)World of Goo (Tomorrow Corporation)World Soccer Pinball (EnjoyUp Games)[import] World Wide Adventure! Collection (PLiCy)Yodanji (Kemco)Yono and the Celestial Elephants (Neckbolt Games)[import] Yukinko Daisenpuu: Sayuki to Koyuki no Hiehie Daisoudou (Starfish)Yuso (Vertical Reach)Zaccaria Pinball (Magic Pixel)Zarvot (Snowhydra Games)Zen Bound 2 (Secret Exit)Zero Gunner 2 for Nintendo Switch (Zerodiv)Zombie Gold Rush (Amazing)Zombie Night Terror (Plug In Digital)Zombie Panic in Wonderland DX (Akaoni Studio)Zombillie (Forever Entertainment)Zotrix: Solar Division (ZeroBit Games) Read more at https://gematsu.com/exclusives/switch#Duc0LLTwlIWtOtfC.99 Как посчитаешь, КЕК'алку свою проверь, чтоб не засорилась.Тебя как троля надо забанить, игры с гугл плея накидал и сидит довольный. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
everdyin 0 Опубликовано: 21 февраля 2019 Поделиться Опубликовано: 21 февраля 2019 тригер сработал,,,,, :lie: ,,,, изи катка...... , ох детишки вы детишки......Дээээ, просто затраленно, полыхает неимоверно.... Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
NSerial 439 Опубликовано: 21 февраля 2019 Поделиться Опубликовано: 21 февраля 2019 Нам же трушный хардкор геймерамбладборны секиры ласты боги и тд>Хардкорные игры >бладборны секиры ласты боги Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
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