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Magic: The Gathering -- Duels Of The Planeswalkers


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Magic: The Gathering -- Duels of the Planeswalkers


NYCC 09: Magic: The Gathering -- Duels of the Planeswalkers Hands-on

Play your cards right.

by Greg Miller

[ad] February 8, 2009 - I've been into comics for years and that's led to me getting into all sorts of industry offshoots -- action figures, table top games, and so on. However, there are two hobbies that never captured my imagination but are pretty hard to get away from when it comes to your local comic book shop -- Star Trek and Magic: The Gathering. Now that I'm planning on seeing the new Star Trek film thanks to that sweet trailer, it would appear the rules that have governed my life for years are out the window.


With that in mind, I sat down to play Magic: The Gathering -- Duels of the Planeswalkers.


Let's get one thing out of the way when it comes to Magic, I don't know thing one about it. If you're looking for an in-depth analysis on Planeswalkers from someone who could tell you what the difference between a green deck and red deck is, check out Hilary's hands-on from a few weeks ago. Meanwhile, if you want to read a noob talk about the pretty pictures he saw, stay here.




I have no idea what's happening in this shot.During my demo today at the New York Comic-Con, it kept being driven home that this videogame is an exact replica of the Magic games that are going on all over the world. There are no crazy 3D effects like the PlayStation 3's Eye of Judgment and there are no lame voices -- you have your playable cards in front of you, the rest of the deck is to your right, and there's a discard pile. When you've selected a card, you can zoom in on it with the right trigger, and you can even skip the screen that shows two cards being played against one another and losing points and what not. In short, this is like you're staring at your friends playing Magic, except for the occasional whirlwind on a card.


Even though I've never been into Magic, I've had enough of my friends fall into it to make me aware of the real obsession with the game -- collecting. Every Magic fan has their deck and it's packed with cards they think can trounce the competition when used correctly. Oddly, there really aren't going to be that many options for you to tinker with your deck in the game. Planeswalkers has eight preset decks that you'll be able to use, no creation option, and 17 cards to unlock and insert in the preset decks. I'm no Magic man, but that doesn't sound a lot like the things my friends were up to while I paged through Superboy comics.


Just what cards did I see today? Well, there was the Goblin Berserker, Wall of Wood, and my giant spider and elephant. All of these things and creature were easily destroyed by my computer opponent. If you're actually good at Magic and get sick of beating on the computer, there are a couple of other gameplay options for you to check out. Challenge Mode is 15 Magic puzzles/situations that you have to think your way out of; it's stuff like starting on turn 17 and figuring out how to win. On top of that, there's local and online multiplayer including Two-Headed Giant, a two on two game of Magic.


This is my collection.At this stage of the game, it appears Wizards of the Coast and Stainless Games are walking a very narrow tightrope. When I was getting my demo, my handler was talking about this title being a way for someone who's never really played Magic to get his or her feet wet and want to go buy a real deck. Thing is, if I never was really into Magic before, why would a game that has no real frills and is just a digital card game change my mind. Meanwhile, if you're the biggest Magic fan in the world (see: IGN's Nate Ahearn), why would you want to come play a game that doesn't support the customization feature you know and love? Again, I'm an admitted outsider here so maybe I'm reading this whole thing wrong; maybe the videogame will be way cheaper than a deck of cards and thus be a viable trial.


Folks who don't want to invest in a deck or just want a quick hit of digital card battles should keep it tuned to IGN to see what our Magic nerds have to say about the final product that's supposed to hit something this spring.


Duels of the Planeswalkers takes players on a journey through a Multiverse in which they take on the roles of Planeswalkers, powerful wizards who battle others for glory, knowledge and conquest. Throughout their journey, Planeswalkers battle with, or against each other in lush interactive 3D environments. Similar to the Magic: The Gathering trading card game, Planeswalkers are equipped with an arsenal of spells and creatures that if used wisely will help advance the Planeswalker through the game.


Extending the game experience beyond the confines of the traditional card game, players can opt to battle real life opponents online. Also available are a variety of strategic single-player game scenarios.


ESRB Rating: T for Mild Blood, Mild Suggestive Themes, Violent References

Genre: Card Battle

Also Available On: PC

Release Date: September 30, 2009












В 2х словах онлайн игра наподобие Димиургов только карточная.

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Это очень круто, я бы с радостью поиграл, вспомнил детство.
В 2х словах онлайн игра наподобие Димиургов только карточная.
Как-то странно звучит по отношению к игре, которой почти 20 лет уже. Я бы сказал, что это Демиурги наподобие MTG, только компьютерная :)
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Лучше б они наподобие Battleforge ее сделали.


Так Battleforge платная


Это очень круто, я бы с радостью поиграл, вспомнил детство.Как-то странно звучит по отношению к игре, которой почти 20 лет уже. Я бы сказал, что это Демиурги наподобие MTG, только компьютерная :)


Демиурги рядовые пользователи больше знают чем MTG, поэтому так и написал.

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У тебя иллюзия, рядовые пользователи не знают ни того, ни того.

По теме: в статье всё сказано правильно. МТГ - задротство для людей с лишним баблом, кто любит коллекционировать - нахрен не будет в это играть, кому противна идея "настоящей" МТГ - тем более, зная, к чему его пытаются подвести.


Из реализаций разных CCG до сих пор считаю самой правильной ю-ги-ох на ДСке, где и карт чуть более чем дохрена, и никто не травит необходимостью вступать в бабло-соревнование.

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Игра будет продаваться на ДВД или через Лайв? Это он-лайн продукт или можно будет играть против компьютера?
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