j11 0 Опубликовано: 19 декабря 2005 Поделиться Опубликовано: 19 декабря 2005 BLACKDeveloped by: Criterion GamesPublished by: Electronic ArtsRelease Date: February 28, 2006First-Person Shooter | Add to Wishlist We've all seen the screens and movies of this game. They look awesome. Aside from looking pretty, what's the game like? Basically, BLACK is all about blowing the crap out of everything onscreen. If you see an enemy, just hit the trigger and don't let go. If you don't see an enemy, well, do the same thing since the environmental damage in BLACK is a sight to behold. It really doesn't matter since developer Criterion specifically designed the game to be one gigantic, raucous firefight. The weapons are huge and do tons of damage, the sound might give you a concussion and, best of all, you get to kill tons of stuff. Since when do people dislike killing tons of stuff? Exactly, never. This title is the savior for any gamers sick of having to conserve ammo, peek around corners and fret over squad positions. Think of it as Serious Sam in a much more realistic setting and with way better particle effects and ear crushing audio. Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWIIDeveloped by: Ubisoft RomaniaPublished by: UbisoftRelease Date: March 1, 2006Flight Action | Add to Wishlist From what we've seen so far, Blazing Angels is one fine looking flight action game. According to the details that have been released, it will have some interesting gameplay to match. This isn't as much a flight simulator as it is a flight combat game. The controls are arcade-like and your focus will be more on blowing up your opposition during famous WWII battles than pulling off precision aerial maneuvers. In addition to your own craft you'll be able to issue commands to squadmates through an interface that resembles the Rogue Leader command system. You'll fly through a single player campaign and be able to engage in combat over Xbox Live, including team-based challenges, convoy protection missions and standard deathmatch dogfighting. Whether or not the squad command aspects will make it into the multiplayer is yet unclear, but we're hoping some element might make into the final version of this promising title. BullyDeveloped by: Rockstar GamesPublished by: Rockstar VancouverRelease Date: April 1, 2006Action | Add to Wishlist Honestly, nobody really knows much about this game. It's getting some attention due to the fact that it's being developed and published by Rockstar who, you may remember, have had quite a few memorable titles over the course of this console generation. The basic premise is that you're a student and you hate your school. Because of these circumstances, you'll need to take some sort of revenge. How exactly this will play out is unknown, but the speculation is that violence will somehow be involved. For instance, could it possibly be that you're free to run through hallways smashing lockers, kicking classmates and setting off cherry bombs in toilet bowls? We don't know, and we'll all have to wait and see. Dreamfall: The Longest JourneyDeveloped by: FuncomPublished by: FuncomRelease Date: May 1, 2006Third-Person Adventure | Add to Wishlist Though the original The Longest Journey was released way back in 2000 only for the PC, many gamers still vividly remember the experience. The original featured some of the most strikingly realistic dialogue and character interaction seen up to that point, which was essential to pulling gamers into lead character April Ryan's dichotomous adventure between the worlds of magic and technology. The sequel has been a long time coming, but next Spring it should finally make an appearance on store shelves. Dreamfall's action takes place ten years later. April is still around, but the story focuses more on Zeo Castillo as she tries to find her boyfriend who mysteriously disappeared. The game features a refined item location system, all the mature conversational content you can handle as well as a combat system. Wait, what? Yes, Dreamfall will have a fighting system, though the exact specifics have yet to be worked out. Honestly though, with the painful absence of adventure games on the Xbox, who really cares? Xbox gamers craving an epic story absolutely keep their eyes on this one. Fight Night Round 3Developed by: Electronic ArtsPublished by: EA ChicagoRelease Date: February 14, 2006Sports | Add to Wishlist EA's badass boxing blockbuster will be back in 2006 with the visually stunning Round 3 of its Fight Night series. The series will move away from the unrelenting haymaker barrages of Round 2 and focus more on the more standard jabs and hooks. That's not to say haymakers will be totally absent. They still play a part, as do the new punches given the self-aggrandizing title of EA Super Punch. Landing and missing Super Punches will bring up a mini game called "I just got rocked" where you switch to a first person view after taking a big hit and try to block oncoming attacks with your gloves. In addition to the more technical focus of the punching elements, Round 3 also features an expanded career mode with special rivalry matches that allow for trash talking. Though it affects the gameplay little, players can expect an increased amount of blood to be included, making your big punches feel even more powerful. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
j11 0 Опубликовано: 19 декабря 2005 Автор Поделиться Опубликовано: 19 декабря 2005 Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten HammersDeveloped by: Pandemic StudiosPublished by: THQRelease Date: March 22, 2006Real-Time Strategy | Add to Wishlist For gamers craving more strategy and tactical maneuvering in their shooters, then this is definitely a title to look forward to. Like the first Full Spectrum Warrior, Ten Hammers puts you in control of several squads as you battle through war torn vistas and it's your job to properly position them and utilize their various skills to make your way through. In addition to four man squads, you'll also gain control of tanks and have the ability to call down air strikes to neutralize especially pesky enemies. The best part about Ten Hammers is its refined control scheme which allows you to dole out tactical commands to your squads while retaining control of one character. This way you'll be able to orchestrate detailed strategic maneuvers while maintaining a constant perspective, giving you a much stronger sense of the flow on the battlefield. FSW should be a great title for anyone looking for a shooter that involves as much brains as it does firepower. Ghost Recon: Advanced WarfighterDeveloped by: UbisoftPublished by: UbisoftRelease Date: February 1, 2006Shooter | Add to Wishlist The Ghost Recon series has always been big with players looking for a healthy mix of tactical planning and straight up shooting. With Advanced Warfighter, the series is moving into the future. Taking place in the year 2013, players will get a look at Ubisoft's vision of future warfare as you command Ghost squads, drones and call in artillery and air strikes throughout the game's single player campaigns. The big feature of this game are its multiplayer aspect, which let up to four players engage in unique co-operative missions on new maps with new objectives and storyline. You'll be able to jump into 16 player online games as well where all of the game rules can be tweaked according to your preference. According to Ubisoft, there are 1,500 different combinations for customizing your online games, everything from the weapons used to your character's appearance. It also doesn't hurt that the title's graphics are some of the best in the already visually impressive Ghost Recon series. Godfather: The GameDeveloped by: EA Redwood ShoresPublished by: Electronic ArtsRelease Date: March 7, 2006Action-Adventure | Add to Wishlist EA loves its licenses. The Godfather, based on Francis Ford Coppola's famous movie (based on Mario Puzo's famous novel), re-tells the famous story of the Italian Corleone family, infusing it with new gameplay that weaves around the narrative without actually affecting it. Like GTA before it, you take on the role of a young thug intent on making his way up the mafia ladder, only here it's with Marlon Brando, James Caan and Robert Duvall. Your goal is to take out the other Italian family businesses through force, manipulation, and good old fashion intimidation. You can bribe cops, drive in cars, thrash small shop keepers' glass cases, and take over territories, all with the idea that you're offering protection and gaining control. Create your own character using EA's classic create-a-face model, enjoy dynamic control mechanics, and cause chaos in the 1930s like never before. Hitman: Blood MoneyDeveloped by: Io InteractivePublished by: Eidos InteractiveRelease Date: May 1, 2006Third-Person Action | Add to Wishlist If you don't know Hitman, you really should. You know, Agent 47, barcode across the back of his head, lots of guns, professional yet ruthless demeanor, any of this ringing a bell? Regardless, the badass baldy is back for another gun blasting, neck slitting adventure with Blood Money, the fourth entry in the Hitman series. You'll find a new notoriety system in this latest foray that adjusts the environment and attitudes of others around you to fit with your actions. Also included will be a reward system where you agency rates how stealthy you were along with other stats like how many bodies were found. As in previous games each mission will contain primary and secondary objectives that change on the fly. This Hitman promises a more involving story and more interactive environments, and is a great title to keep an eye on for some stealthy, violent fun in 2006. Painkiller: Hell WarsDeveloped by: DreamCatcher InteractivePublished by: People Can FlyRelease Date: February 28, 2006First-Person Shooter | Add to Wishlist The Xbox has been a console that's seen more releases of first-person shooters than probably any other console past or present. With Painkiller: Hell Wars, shooter fans will be able to dig into a truly insane, sadistic experience. Originally released on the PC back in 2004, Painkiller comes to the Xbox replete with all of its obnoxiously overpowered weaponry and hordes of frightening foes. There's little thinking to be done in Painkiller. In every level you'll battle waves of fearsome enemies and eventually face off against absolutely titanic bosses. The weaponry is especially gruesome and brought to life with an excellent physics engine that showcases the carnage of the stake cannon and brutality of your spinning sawblade melee weapon. As you mow down droves of foes you'll collect souls that eventually allow you to enter a superpowered mode where time slows around you, making caving in enemy faces a little easier. Scarface: The World Is YoursDeveloped by: Radical EntertainmentPublished by: Vivendi Universal GamesRelease Date: March 1, 2006Action-Adventure | Add to Wishlist In its inventive opening game scene, players take on the role of Tony Montana who, with guns a'blazing, dies in a firefight on the inner balcony of his mansion. Or does he? Radical starts by re-writing the movie's ending, sending Montana into cover on a tiny island. Players start off with nothing and must re-capture Montana's wealthy drug empire through firefights, theft, and an unusual currency system. During the 60-hour game you'll start off as a small-time drug-dealer selling on the street with four territories to wrestle control over. You can make deals with legitimate stores to act as fronts for selling drugs. Radical's Simpsons' Hit and Run success showed it could handle open-world games, but Scarface is more complex and ambitious, so if should be worthwhile. This one will be interesting given its mafia-based competition. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
j11 0 Опубликовано: 19 декабря 2005 Автор Поделиться Опубликовано: 19 декабря 2005 Splinter Cell Double AgentDeveloped by: Ubisoft Montreal, Shanghai and Annecy, FrancePublished by: UbisoftRelease Date: March 1, 2006Action-Adventure | Add to Wishlist Suiting up once again as lead character Sam Fisher, players are thrust into the middle of a covert terrorist operation where Sam must eliminate the group from within. Fisher must play both sides of the operation, working with the terrorist group in order to keep his cover intact while also working against it to take it down. A balance must be drawn between the two as players' actions will define how the storyline plays out. Missions take place across the world, ranging from Asia to Africa and even deep within the U.S. Individual environments will play a huge part this time. You'll experience gameplay underwater, in a sandstorm, and even skydiving. Dust and smoke can be used as cover as well, playing into the importance of utilizing the environment to its fullest. Three of Ubisoft's studios, Montreal, Shanghai and Annecy, France, are collaborating on the game's development. Starcraft: GhostDeveloped by: Swingin' Ape Studios, NihilisticPublished by: Blizzard EntertainmentRelease Date: February 1, 2006Third-Person Shooter | Add to Wishlist Seeing this title may cause some to groan, but despite how many times this title's release has been pushed back, it's still something we're looking forward to. In it, you'll play as Nova who's stuck between the Dominion and the rebel Koprulu Liberation Front as she tries to investigate something called Project: Shadow Blade. The game will take place in the beloved Starcraft universe, so you'll encounter all your favorite units from the terrifying Zerg brood, the reserved yet deadly Protoss and the fierce Terrans. You'll still encounter large-scale battles between the differing factions, but your focus will be more on stealth combat and infiltration. Taking place from a third person perspective, you'll be able to use special psionic abilities and futuristic technologies to tip the scales of any precarious situation in your favor. In addition to Nova's single player campaign, fans can also expect a variety of multiplayer modes like Deathmatch, Capture the Flag and Capture the Base. Superman ReturnsDeveloped by: TiburonPublished by: Electronic ArtsRelease Date: July 7, 2006Third-Person Action | Add to Wishlist It's hard to deny the appeal of a game starring a character with the almost limitless power of Superman. That is, unless you remember Superman 64 for the Nintendo 64. Superman Returns is something totally different, however, though few details have been leaked at this point. What we do know is that Tiburon is focusing on delivering a seamless, fully destructible cityscape within which Superman can smash around gigantic baddies. One stage we were able to glimpse was of the Xbox 360 version back in October at X05 in Amsterdam. There we were treated to a fight sequence between superman and Metallo, who stood as tall as the skyscrapers surrounding him. The pure scale of the game might very well ensure there are some epic battle sequences, and the inclusion of many of Superman's special abilities like laser eyes and frost breath make this game even more appealing. TimeshiftDeveloped by: Saber InteractivePublished by: AtariRelease Date: March 21, 2006First-Person Shooter | Add to Wishlist Everyone likes manipulating time, right? Of course you do. In Timeshift, Atari's upcoming first-person shooter, you'll be given the opportunity to do just that in a variety of different ways. You'll not only be able to slow time to help out in intense firefights, but also stop and rewind it. These time manipulation functions become essential to gameplay since while time is frozen you'll be free to move around. Much like in Prince of Persia, you'll then be able to pass by obstacles to reach new areas otherwise inaccessible without your powers of temporal distortion. For instance, you can reverse time to pass through fire or freeze time and steal a helpless enemy's gun right out of their hands. In addition to the possibilities for some unique gameplay experiences, the game also features some brutal, futuristic weaponry and a healthy amount of gore, two requisites for any respectable shooter. TOCA Race Driver 3Developed by: CodemastersPublished by: Codemasters Release Date: February 1, 2006Racing | Add to Wishlist Codemasters has come to an interesting juncture with its latest game. It's a kind of collaboration of many previous titles in one, combining multiple driving disciplines into one incredibly deep and beautiful game. Gamers can race in 70 fully licensed cars, 35 different motor racing styles and 116 racing challenges. Wow. You like GT racing? How about American muscle cars? Off-road trucks tickle your fancy? How about a little Formula 1? Open Wheel racing? Or perhaps you're a Colin McRae fan? Whether it's slick tarmac racing, off-road, or even rally racing, this game delivers all of them in a generous and impressive fashion. Coupled with the developer's excellent car damage model and its top-notch graphics, this game should drive just about any driving fan nuts. Tomb Raider LegendDeveloped by: Crystal DynamicsPublished by: EidosRelease Date: April 1, 2006Third-Person Adventure | Add to Wishlist The new Tomb Raider is inspired by none other than the original Tomb Raider. The promise of a nimble, athletic Lara, however, will finally be delivered to gamers who have seen six sequels in seven years of a game that essentially never changed. Crystal Dynamics' has increased Lara's moves to enable her to rock climb, jump, and swing like never before. The grappling hook makes an appearance and bridges vast chasms between otherwise impossible jumps, and numerous new physical puzzles appear in place of oftentimes obscure key-style puzzles. Crystal D has infused the game with personality and an actual storyline that helps to actually build Lara's once 2D character. This one should be very interesting on any system, especially the Xbox 360. Expect a lot of adventuring, some action, and unlockables, hidden stuff, and a fresh new feel. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
j11 0 Опубликовано: 19 декабря 2005 Автор Поделиться Опубликовано: 19 декабря 2005 источник: http://xbox.ign.com/articles/675/675389p1.html Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
Fler 0 Опубликовано: 19 декабря 2005 Поделиться Опубликовано: 19 декабря 2005 Давай это все теперь будем писать в теме по самым ожидаемым играм ВООБЩЕ. Ты ее, видимо, не увидел. Затерялась :) Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
j11 0 Опубликовано: 20 декабря 2005 Автор Поделиться Опубликовано: 20 декабря 2005 ты про эту: http://www.xboxland.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=77&st=200 мне кажется надо закрывать туму с самыми оюидаемыми имхо 21 страницу читать тяжко :) может разбивать самые ожиждаемые игры 1 квартала 2006, 2 3 4 .. а? а т озатеряемся в постах вообще :cray: Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
Fler 0 Опубликовано: 20 декабря 2005 Поделиться Опубликовано: 20 декабря 2005 не надо ее закрывать :angry: так интереснее для истории, да и потом прикольно вспомнить чего мы ждали )))А так мы запутаемся в темах. Че за херня: в первом квартале я жду ... :grin: Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
doctor-death 0 Опубликовано: 22 декабря 2005 Поделиться Опубликовано: 22 декабря 2005 Можно немного подробнее о игре BLACK(EA Sports) :unsure: Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
Fler 0 Опубликовано: 22 декабря 2005 Поделиться Опубликовано: 22 декабря 2005 а причем тут Блэк и иэй спортс?? Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
doctor-death 0 Опубликовано: 22 декабря 2005 Поделиться Опубликовано: 22 декабря 2005 (изменено) а причем тут Блэк и иэй спортс??<{POST_SNAPBACK}> Так от компании EA(Electronic Arts) выходит игра BLACK,точнее не от EA Sports :) Изменено 22 декабря 2005 пользователем doctor-death Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Больше способов поделиться...
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