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Халява. И всё таки она существует


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Dear Lockerz Member,


We regret to inform you that your most recent prize redemption has been cancelled due to substantial activity in your account that violates our terms and conditions. Such activity could include not accurately acknowledging the extent of cheating during our Amnesty week, redeeming a prize when you had not achieved Z-List status, sending invitations to false email addresses, or other activities prohibited by Lockerz.


Please be advised that we are not only canceling your order, we are also setting all of your account PTZ to zero, as we do not tolerate cheating. Since we do believe in second chances, we will not disable your account and you are welcome to continue to earn legitimate PTZ in that account. Please consider this a warning that if we find any other suspicious activity in your account we will disable it immediately.


Please note that the cancellation of your prize and PTZ are not negotiable. This decision is final.


- The Lockerz Crew


Да ну в печь этот лохерз,пригласил 60 друзей из них 3 на свои мыльца реганул,но там же с 1 айпи можно иметь 4 учетки...

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Dear Z-Lister,



Thank you for your patience as we spent the last two plus weeks sorting through all prize redemptions that have been impacted by our technology glitch during the November Z-list only redemption. These orders were very difficult to research because they were missing critical information including exact product information or a receipt number. Plus, in some cases PTZ had not been deleted from members' accounts.




While we were able to recover and fill the vast majority of those orders impacted by problems, the item you ordered was so over-redeemed due to the tech problems that we cannot restock your prize in a reasonable amount of time. We are truly sorry to let even a few hundred members down despite filling thousands of orders in one redemption.




To show you how truly sorry we are to disappoint you, we are fully refunding your PTZ (if they were deleted in the first place) as well as sending you a free gift card for $50 to amazon.com. This is our way of showing you how much you mean to us. These will be sent in e-card form to you shortly.




We are also going to allow all of your PTZ to stay valid a full 30 days longer than the normal 12 month period so you are not penalized in any way for missing a redemption.




Beginning with our next redemption, we are introducing a whole new system that should avoid and fix the tech issues that have plagued our previous efforts. As you may know, we're a very young site that's still in beta, and the redemption process is still evolving. While we're grateful and appreciative of the many members who complimented the progress we made on this redemption, we will remain dissatisfied and will not rest until we provide a bug-free, reliable experience to each of our founding members on Lockerz.




Again, our apologies, and please enjoy your gift certificate.



- The Lockerz Crew


Мдэмс, а с амазона товары до нас не доходят, верно?

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Пришло 2 сообщения:

В первом о том что я искупил свой приз и он мне придет как я понял

Dear Lockerz Member:


As you may know, we promised to send a "second confirmation" to ALL members who redeemed a prize during our November PTZ Place redemption.


You should have received a shipping confirmation by now, and you may have even received your actual prize by now.If you have not received your prize yet, you will receive it shortly.


Just so there is no confusion, please consider this email as your "second confirmation."


Thanks for redeeming at Lockerz.


Happy holidays!


- The Lockerz Crew


Второе то что я подделывал майлы и мне ни чего не придет

Dear Lockerz Member,


Thank you for contacting us during our recent Amnesty week and for acknowledging you had engaged in prohibited activity on Lockerz. After reviewing your account, we determined that you did not have enough legitimate PTZ to either redeem your prize or even qualify for Z-List status. Therefore, it was necessary to cancel your redemption order.


Since you provided an accurate account of past cheating during Amnesty, we will not reset your invitation PTZ to zero, and you will still remain a Lockerz member in good standing. We will adjust your account to remove those PTZ gained through prohibited actions as outlined in our Terms.


The good news is that Lockerz is still in the beta stage, and you'll have plenty of other opportunities to redeem. We hope you'll move forward with us as we build an honest, respectful community.


- The Lockerz Crew




Как понимать?

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лохуёхерс!!! я являюсь админом на одном из серверов нашего провайдера (тобишь у нас у всех подсеть внешних адресов одна и та же... 78.85.*.* ... зарегал почти тыщу рыл, не читил никапли потому что незачем было, итак народу тьма... пришло сообщение что я читер и не будет мне ничего ... гниды поганые (((
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  3ViL GN0M3 писал:
Мдэмс, а с амазона товары до нас не доходят, верно?

Я что то не совсем понимаю сути этого письма

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А мне до сих пор не пришло письмо :wacko2:

А у вас мыло в какой зоне?

Изменено пользователем Evguh
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  zegger писал:
Я что то не совсем понимаю сути этого письма


там сказано что ифонов нет в наличии больше, вот возьмите карту подарочную на амазон...



  Evguh писал:
А мне до сих пор не пришло письмо :wacko2:

А у вас мыло в какой зоне?



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Не, у меня гмыло и тоже ничего не пришло пока(спам папку проверял). Хотя после вышецитированного я уже смирился и потерял какуюто надежду, т.к. у меня было около 10-ти самоприглашений
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Да, это странно, ну остается сидеть, ждать, надеятся на лучшее, что уж там

Если на момент выхода сайта из дауна не будет письма, можно просто на сайте поглядеть обнулили ли очки за читинг, а потом если что и им написать

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Вообщем большой скамм получается,у меня все приглашённые и поинты были легальные,а пришло такое сообщение....


Dear Lockerz Member,




We regret to inform you that your most recent prize redemption has been cancelled due to substantial activity in your account that violates our terms and conditions. Such activity could include not accurately acknowledging the extent of cheating during our Amnesty week, redeeming a prize when you had not achieved Z-List status, sending invitations to false email addresses, or other activities prohibited by Lockerz.




Please be advised that we are not only canceling your order, we are also setting all of your account PTZ to zero, as we do not tolerate cheating. Since we do believe in second chances, we will not disable your account and you are welcome to continue to earn legitimate PTZ in that account. Please consider this a warning that if we find any other suspicious activity in your account we will disable it immediately.




Please note that the cancellation of your prize and PTZ are not negotiable. This decision is final.




- The Lockerz Crew

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Печально это всё, печально. на фейсбуке и форуме talkprizes много встречается комментариев, которые пишут, что все легально было, но им пришло это письмо.

А как давно письмо пришло? А то у меня все еще пусто :х

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  SteZe писал:
Печально это всё, печально. на фейсбуке и форуме talkprizes много встречается комментариев, которые пишут, что все легально было, но им пришло это письмо.

А как давно письмо пришло? А то у меня все еще пусто :х

В 6:53

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Мне прислали

Dear Lockerz Member,


Thank you for contacting us during our recent Amnesty week and for acknowledging you had engaged in prohibited activity on Lockerz. After reviewing your account, we determined that you did not have enough legitimate PTZ to either redeem your prize or even qualify for Z-List status. Therefore, it was necessary to cancel your redemption order.

Since you provided an accurate account of past cheating during Amnesty, we will not reset your invitation PTZ to zero, and you will still remain a Lockerz member in good standing. We will adjust your account to remove those PTZ gained through prohibited actions as outlined in our Terms.

The good news is that Lockerz is still in the beta stage, and you'll have plenty of other opportunities to redeem. We hope you'll move forward with us as we build an honest, respectful community.




- The Lockerz Crew


Гады, легальных PTZ у меня хватало для совершения заказа.

Может отменили потому, что мэйлов на Z-List у меня не хватало, поэтому жду паблик-редемпшена.

Изменено пользователем PCM2008
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  PCM2008 писал:
Мне прислали



Гады, легальных PTZ у меня хватало для совершения заказа.

Может отменили потому, что мэйлов на Z-List у меня не хватало, поэтому жду паблик-редемпшена.

Хотя бы ПТЗ к 0 не сделали

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  Скиф писал:
Хотя бы ПТЗ к 0 не сделали


Угу... Вот только почему результаты Amnesty только сейчас применили?

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Мда...Может они просто смотрят несколько цифр в ип адресе,например у меня 93.100.... и я еще 3 челов с такими же цифрами вначале пригласил...Ну что будет то будет....халява все таки
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Письма нет ^_^ Посмотрим что придёт, а потом пошли эти лохерз куда подальше. Я уверен что очки онулят, у менгя 20 фэйк-мэйлов^______^
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