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Установка reset glitch hack (FAQ)


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anray, а как это? Что на матриксах замыкаешь для этого? Ну понятно что прошивку под фатку делаешь :)

Перемычки под Slim замыкаю.


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Как интересно... нужно попробовать.

То есть верхнюю и нижнюю обе под слимку замыкаешь и напаиваешь в фатку всю эту конструкцию по обычной для фатки схеме?

Запуск улучшается?


Интересно в чем таинство такого решения...

Изменено пользователем Chook
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Как интересно... нужно попробовать.

То есть верхнюю и нижнюю обе под слимку замыкаешь и напаиваешь в фатку всю эту конструкцию по обычной для фатки схеме?

Запуск улучшается?


Интересно в чем таинство такого решения...

Все просто - в режиме "Slim" питание на микросхему контроллера подается со встроенного стабилизатора(1.8В).

Кстати, ксекуторы тоже советуют пробовать запуск на фатках с переключателем в режиме "Слим".


Изменено пользователем anray
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Все просто - в режиме "Slim" питание на микросхему контроллера подается со встроенного стабилизатора(1.8В).

Кстати, ксекуторы тоже советуют пробовать запуск на фатках с переключателем в режиме "Слим".


"напильником" потом дорабатывать чип? т.е. доп.кондёры итд ставить и далее?


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"напильником" потом дорабатывать чип? т.е. доп.кондёры итд ставить и далее?

По вкусу, можно и не ставить.


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Ребята подскажите. Есть Xbox360 Slim 250Gb c установленным Coolrunner rev.B. Установили неделю назад. Зайдя в XeXmenu 1.1 после после продолжительной игры температура CPU 78-79.5 GPU 75-76. Притом что в комнате довольно прохладно. Неужели это нормальные показатели? У моего друга JTAG Jasper рабочая температура CPU 62 GPU 58. Моя консоль 21.07.2010. Если зимой подобные показатели то что будет летом.


PS: Приставка нешумит но довольно тёплая на ощупь.

Изменено пользователем Poma
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Ребята подскажите. Есть Xbox360 Slim 250Gb c установленным Coolrunner rev.B. Установили неделю назад. Зайдя в XeXmenu 1.1 после после продолжительной игры температура CPU 78-79.5 GPU 75-76. Притом что в комнате довольно прохладно. Неужели это нормальные показатели? У моего друга JTAG Jasper рабочая температура CPU 62 GPU 58. Моя консоль 21.07.2010. Если зимой подобные показатели то что будет летом.


PS: Приставка нешумит но довольно тёплая на ощупь.

МС считает это нормальным явлением, если не нравятся цифры, то 360 Flash Tool тебе в помощь, ставь сколько считаешь нужно для ЦПУ/ГПУ/РАМ.

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Poma, Вам в фаг http://www.xboxland.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=90669

читать всё про "Как мне обновить сборку своего Фрибут\Jtag\RGH на актуальную версию ?"


пересобрать нанд

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головой ударился? это все из-за FSD из-за него греется сильнее


FSD я неставил. Всё запускаю через стандартное меню. Я позвонил к человеку который ставил мне Freeboot он сказал что это нормально. Что первые ревизии слимов так грелись. Но всё же у меня есть сомнения по этому поводу так-как неможет же модель консоли новее чем Jasper и улучшеным охлаждением работать хуже него (по температуре).

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FSD я неставил. Всё запускаю через стандартное меню. Я позвонил к человеку который ставил мне Freeboot он сказал что это нормально. Что первые ревизии слимов так грелись. Но всё же у меня есть сомнения по этому поводу так-как неможет же модель консоли новее чем Jasper и улучшеным охлаждением работать хуже него (по температуре).

это стандартная температура слимки, если думаешь что много увеличивай обороты.

кстати, фсд нагревает камень не меньше любой игры.!

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это стандартная температура слимки, если думаешь что много увеличивай обороты.

кстати, фсд нагревает камень не меньше любой игры.!


Но как новая модель с улучшеным охлаждением может быть хуже в работе чем предыдущая консоль на базе Jasper? Я лично у своего друга видел после нескольких часов игры температуру CPU 62 и GPU 58. Что на Jasper и что на Trinity установлены одни и теже чипы сделаные по технологии 40нм.



Poma, Вам в фаг http://www.xboxland.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=90669

читать всё про "Как мне обновить сборку своего Фрибут\Jtag\RGH на актуальную версию ?"


пересобрать нанд


Если пересобрать нанд по данной инструкции температура может быть и изменится но что будет со звуком издающим куллерами? Я приставку ставил прямо напротив окна на пол и смог сбить температуру только на 6 градусов.

Изменено пользователем Poma
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ктонибуть может сказать почему Glich нельзя поставить на Xenon?.. в чем проблема и можно ли ее какнибуть решить?
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ктонибуть может сказать почему Glich нельзя поставить на Xenon?.. в чем проблема и можно ли ее какнибуть решить?

там чип не HANA установлен, а ANA

для сравнения:





чип находится над ГПУ, возле видео выхода


без него никак

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там чип не HANA установлен, а ANA

чип находится над ГПУ, возле видео выхода


без него никак

тобиш та же причина что у новых слимок?... все дело в хана чипе и STBY_CLC?

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Если пересобрать нанд по данной инструкции температура может быть и изменится но что будет со звуком издающим куллерами? Я приставку ставил прямо напротив окна на пол и смог сбить температуру только на 6 градусов.

при вилке 63/79 усе будет отлично, кулер еле слышен. В моем слиме так уже давно.


страниц 300 назад всё уже по темпам обсудили)

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DaLeX - кондер вспух на ксеноне -) а некоторые даже лопнули Изменено пользователем Weekend
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/forum/style_images/icon_plus_1.gif  xeBuild 1.01
xeBuild 1.01

After a lot of work, xeBuild brings together ggbuild and fbbuild into
a single application for building glitch, jtag and clean retail images.

What's New:
- adds 14717
- trinity CB_B patches updated to allow glitch image booting on official 14717 updated slims,
requires having CPU key before building image. Updated fats will likely require new CPLD
timing, if you wish to continue to glitch a fat for the time being it's advised to not apply
any update ] 14699.
- included xells updated to xell reloaded v0.991 built 2012-02-19. See xell_info folder for
usage info and changelog, or find newer builds at libxenon.org
-note that for xebuild, jtag images use xell-2f not xell-1f
- added devkit image building (WIP, see info below)
- added bigffs jasper type (see info below)
- added a small helper app, ini_creator.exe that will create a basic .ini file with crcs
for xebuild when batches of files are dropped onto it, ready for sorting
- bug fixes

Current Limitations:
- STAY THE HELL OFF LIVE! Nuff said, we're not you're mum.

How To Use:
- See individual folders for lists of files to provide
- if desired provide replacement cpu and 1bl keys in text files
- open a command window in the xeBuild directory
- on the command line type, for example:

example - if you provided keys in appropriate text files

xeBuild.exe -t glitch -c falcon -d myfalcon myfalconout.bin

-t glitch = build a glitch type image
-c falcon = use falcon bl and patch set
-d myfalcon = a folder is present called "myfalcon" with per machine files, this uses it
myfalconout.bin = the file that will be produced

- type xeBuild.exe -? for command line info

-take original console dump, put it in mytrinity folder as nanddump.bin
-set CPU key and 1BL key in ini file, verify LDV from nanddump.bin matches console fuses
if not set cfldv in ini file
-build (xeBuild.exe -t glitch -d mytrinity -f 13599), flash and hopefully life is good

.ini files:
Just a word on the format... the ini parser is not very robust, the files need
to be plain ASCII, everything after a ; on a line is ignored, and spaces are
not acceptable (they get removed).

Things like CPU key and 1BL key, if present in the per box ini file need not be
placed anywhere else.

controller config can result in problems remapping bad blocks (even manually.)
If you have a 16M jasper, an additional build type has been added
'jaspersb', by default the image will be built for jasper with big block
controller (config 00023010), use this alternate switch to build for small
block controller (config 01198010.)

Multi build/options example:
when you specify -f 13599 on the command line:
is parsed instead of data\filelist.ini

Also the bin directory is used from
instead of
allowing anyone to create multiple builds without multiple instances or
rebuilds/hex edits/hacks of the main app.

The example provided is the last version of 13599 patch set from dash launch and
other files to build freeboot 13599

example use:
xeBuild -f 13599 -d myfalcon x13599out.bin

-f 13599 : use .\13599\filelist.ini, and .\13599\ for firmware files, .\13599\bin\ for patches
-d myfalcon : use .\myfalcon for per build files (cpu key, keyvault, security files, ini etc.)
x13599out.bin: override auto generated name and produce .\x13599out.bin as the final NAND image

note, if -d ***** is not specified it will still use the original /data and /bin dirs

Devkit image building:
This feature is currently considered Beta/Work In Progess.

A new image target type was added, "-t devkit" which builds 64M flash images for devkits. Currently untested,
building with a 00 filled CPU key will create a zeropaired devkit image that may allow one to boot a software
bricked devkit that one does not know the CPU key for and recover it to an operational state. By powering on
the console with such an image present, with a recovery DVD in the drive, the recovery software should be able
to create a new keyvault, re-pair the DVD drive to the new keyvault, and allow normal operation once complete.

Normal devkit image building when one does know their CPU key and thus has security files and keyvault should
work as expected.

Building devkit for glitch/jtag is also possible using the standard -t glitch/devkit methods. Sample ini
have been provided with this release, but will not work unless patches and files are supplied. Note that devkit
is not our focus, but was relatively easy and straight forward option to supply for those that wish to make
use of it.

Those who use large block NAND are now able to nearly double the size of the system file area
with this option with no apparent ill effects. Normally this option wouldn't be needed, but if one
wanted to experiment with more files in flash, or one was building a devkit image for a devkit with
a big block flash, this option is required.

Without ikari this would not have been possible, thanks!
__ ____ ___ ___ _____
/ _|_ __ ___ ___| __ ) / _ \ / _ \_ _|
| |_| '__/ _ \/ _ \ _ \| | | | | | || |
| _| | | __/ __/ |_) | |_| | |_| || |
|_| |_| \___|\___|____/ \___/ \___/ |_|
[v0.08 - inspired by ikari]
No this isn't freeboot, it is a clone and has always been since the last
release of ibuild.

Thanks and greetz to everyone who has contributed to hacking this
wonderful machine. Thanks to the engineers and countless others who made
the machine what it is... we only wish they had listened and RROD was
not a problem. If we were to list everyone here, there would be no time
left to play on the machine!

Thanks to Free60, LibXenon.org, Redline99 and Tuxuser for providing xell builds [3

Big thanks to the folks at #freeboot on efnet for the tireless
hours of help you all give freely. Thanks to the testers who tirelessly
made sure stuff worked. Thanks to rgloader for doing the work yourselves,
there *is* no spoon, just a glitch in the matrix.

Don't believe what random people *cough* write on forums ..


- minor bugs fixed (extended.bin, kiosk button not displaying)
- invalid secdata.bin and extended.bin will be cleanly recreated instead of failing build
- can now accept decrypted kv.bin without messing it up
- fixed a bug with long version strings in firmware .ini files
- fixed fatal exception when patch file is not found
- added -i flag to specify additional addon component for ini/patch file name
- corrected nandmu warning to only say xebuild will attempt to keep this data when the option is set
- added additional jasper build mode jasperbigffs, results in a non-standard and much larger system file area (approx 32MiB larger)
- patch slot address for glitch/retail images is now dynamically assigned (first block after xell/first block after CE)
- devkit image building added
- if pairing value can't be found in dump CF/CG it will attempt to be extracted from CB
- smc size and address made dynamic (mainly for corona+)
- corrected typo/problem with FAT bitmap creation
- cache decrypted keyvault, refine messages regarding FCRT and output dvdkey at the end
- logs/outputs expected/possible fuse values for console sequence bytes in CB
- add dvdkey to ini and -o, to set dvd key in keyvault before writing it to the new image
- fixed a possibly critical bug when parsing nanddump.bin FS entry
- correct EU/AUS smc game region output
- nanddump flash controller detect recoded, now only requires block 0 be not remapped
- fixed unhandled exception when -o option that requires = did not have =
- updated bl patches for all jtag machines and trinity (rgh fat doesn't need) to remove smc size = 0x3000 limit
- fixed bug that was causing 2nd patch slot on retail builds to contain unneeded data
- added fuse mask output while processing CB
- added 14717
- added patch to trinity 9188 CB_B to bypass fuseline 2 revocation check

- hotfix - jtag images were being created with incorrect patch file number (xexp1 instead of xexp2)
- gets security files from nanddump.bin and verifies them (odd.bin is currently not processed)
- option added to disable extracting security files from nanddump.bin
- decrypts perbuild security files for verification (crl/dae only currently, updater files work too)
- zero nonce data in bls before checking crc (inlcuded file lists updated with new crc and explanation)
- fixed a bug with mobile extraction
- fixed a bug with fsroot processing
- (glitch) dynamic SMC patcher, no longer limited to hard coded hash/offsets
- added more SMC hashes to verify known clean SMCs
- will attempt to decrypt external encrypted smc.bin if needed
- whitelist more chars in the file list parser
- altered so that pairing value will be retreived from nanddump.bin even if ldv is set in ini
- dual CB is dictated by ini, "none" filename indicates single CB (jtag does not use dual CB)
- increased logged info when adding files to flashfs
- odd.bin in encrypted (only!) form is now handled (from file or nanddump.bin)
- ini options are now available as -o options on command line
- added -t command line flag for glitch/retail/jtag selection
- JTAG image creation merged
- separate retail/glitch/jtag into individual per-firmware ini lists
- added -noenter command line option to suppres application asking to press enter on completion
- added proper errorlevel exiting, 1=usage/commandline error, 2=file write err, 3=image build error
- add 'cygnos' and 'xellbutton' options for glitch images with appropriate bl patches (either may affect fat glitch boot rate!)
- non-critical spare data fix to the way smc config is added to image
- update freeboot core and glitch base patches to accept a secondary xell poweron reason
- rewrote extended.bin handler, given an invalid/undecryptable file it will create a empty extended.bin
- rewrote keyvault handler, can decrypt and verify kv.bin when it's provided encrypted
- added patch append -a command, and converted nomu and nofcrt to optional patches
- added simple explanation of patch file formats in about_patches.S
- changed nonandmu option to nandmu so it can default to false
- added corona and winchester console types, currently not supported but there if needed
- add 14699

- corrected bug with ini parsing and dvd region (and others) left blank
- add 13604

- slim/fat glitch image building (based on fbbuild 0.32)
- builds retail images with -retail command line option
- added autopatch smc option in per box ini file
- extracts pairing value and highest LDV from nanddump.bin
(ini cfldv setting overrides nanddump ldv)

http://xbins.org/nfo.php?file=xboxnfo2207.nfo Изменено пользователем DarkAssass7n
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xeBuild-GUI-2.0-RC2 сто лет назад. странно у них версии нумеруются Изменено пользователем Weekend
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/forum/style_images/icon_plus_1.gif  xeBuild 1.01
xeBuild 1.01






After a lot of work, xeBuild brings together ggbuild and fbbuild into

a single application for building glitch, jtag and clean retail images.



What's New:


- adds 14717

- trinity CB_B patches updated to allow glitch image booting on official 14717 updated slims,

requires having CPU key before building image. Updated fats will likely require new CPLD

timing, if you wish to continue to glitch a fat for the time being it's advised to not apply

any update ] 14699.

- included xells updated to xell reloaded v0.991 built 2012-02-19. See xell_info folder for

usage info and changelog, or find newer builds at libxenon.org

-note that for xebuild, jtag images use xell-2f not xell-1f

- added devkit image building (WIP, see info below)

- added bigffs jasper type (see info below)

- added a small helper app, ini_creator.exe that will create a basic .ini file with crcs

for xebuild when batches of files are dropped onto it, ready for sorting

- bug fixes



Current Limitations:


- STAY THE HELL OFF LIVE! Nuff said, we're not you're mum.



How To Use:


- See individual folders for lists of files to provide

- if desired provide replacement cpu and 1bl keys in text files

- open a command window in the xeBuild directory

- on the command line type, for example:


example - if you provided keys in appropriate text files


xeBuild.exe -t glitch -c falcon -d myfalcon myfalconout.bin


-t glitch = build a glitch type image

-c falcon = use falcon bl and patch set

-d myfalcon = a folder is present called "myfalcon" with per machine files, this uses it

myfalconout.bin = the file that will be produced


- type xeBuild.exe -? for command line info





-take original console dump, put it in mytrinity folder as nanddump.bin

-set CPU key and 1BL key in ini file, verify LDV from nanddump.bin matches console fuses

if not set cfldv in ini file

-build (xeBuild.exe -t glitch -d mytrinity -f 13599), flash and hopefully life is good



.ini files:


Just a word on the format... the ini parser is not very robust, the files need

to be plain ASCII, everything after a ; on a line is ignored, and spaces are

not acceptable (they get removed).


Things like CPU key and 1BL key, if present in the per box ini file need not be

placed anywhere else.






controller config can result in problems remapping bad blocks (even manually.)

If you have a 16M jasper, an additional build type has been added

'jaspersb', by default the image will be built for jasper with big block

controller (config 00023010), use this alternate switch to build for small

block controller (config 01198010.)



Multi build/options example:


when you specify -f 13599 on the command line:


is parsed instead of data\filelist.ini


Also the bin directory is used from


instead of


allowing anyone to create multiple builds without multiple instances or

rebuilds/hex edits/hacks of the main app.


The example provided is the last version of 13599 patch set from dash launch and

other files to build freeboot 13599


example use:


xeBuild -f 13599 -d myfalcon x13599out.bin


-f 13599 : use .\13599\filelist.ini, and .\13599\ for firmware files, .\13599\bin\ for patches

-d myfalcon : use .\myfalcon for per build files (cpu key, keyvault, security files, ini etc.)

x13599out.bin: override auto generated name and produce .\x13599out.bin as the final NAND image


note, if -d ***** is not specified it will still use the original /data and /bin dirs



Devkit image building:


This feature is currently considered Beta/Work In Progess.


A new image target type was added, "-t devkit" which builds 64M flash images for devkits. Currently untested,

building with a 00 filled CPU key will create a zeropaired devkit image that may allow one to boot a software

bricked devkit that one does not know the CPU key for and recover it to an operational state. By powering on

the console with such an image present, with a recovery DVD in the drive, the recovery software should be able

to create a new keyvault, re-pair the DVD drive to the new keyvault, and allow normal operation once complete.


Normal devkit image building when one does know their CPU key and thus has security files and keyvault should

work as expected.


Building devkit for glitch/jtag is also possible using the standard -t glitch/devkit methods. Sample ini

have been provided with this release, but will not work unless patches and files are supplied. Note that devkit

is not our focus, but was relatively easy and straight forward option to supply for those that wish to make

use of it.





Those who use large block NAND are now able to nearly double the size of the system file area

with this option with no apparent ill effects. Normally this option wouldn't be needed, but if one

wanted to experiment with more files in flash, or one was building a devkit image for a devkit with

a big block flash, this option is required.





Without ikari this would not have been possible, thanks!

__ ____ ___ ___ _____

/ _|_ __ ___ ___| __ ) / _ \ / _ \_ _|

| |_| '__/ _ \/ _ \ _ \| | | | | | || |

| _| | | __/ __/ |_) | |_| | |_| || |

|_| |_| \___|\___|____/ \___/ \___/ |_|

[v0.08 - inspired by ikari]


No this isn't freeboot, it is a clone and has always been since the last

release of ibuild.


Thanks and greetz to everyone who has contributed to hacking this

wonderful machine. Thanks to the engineers and countless others who made

the machine what it is... we only wish they had listened and RROD was

not a problem. If we were to list everyone here, there would be no time

left to play on the machine!


Thanks to Free60, LibXenon.org, Redline99 and Tuxuser for providing xell builds [3


Big thanks to the folks at #freeboot on efnet for the tireless

hours of help you all give freely. Thanks to the testers who tirelessly

made sure stuff worked. Thanks to rgloader for doing the work yourselves,

there *is* no spoon, just a glitch in the matrix.


Don't believe what random people *cough* write on forums ..









- minor bugs fixed (extended.bin, kiosk button not displaying)

- invalid secdata.bin and extended.bin will be cleanly recreated instead of failing build

- can now accept decrypted kv.bin without messing it up

- fixed a bug with long version strings in firmware .ini files

- fixed fatal exception when patch file is not found

- added -i flag to specify additional addon component for ini/patch file name

- corrected nandmu warning to only say xebuild will attempt to keep this data when the option is set

- added additional jasper build mode jasperbigffs, results in a non-standard and much larger system file area (approx 32MiB larger)

- patch slot address for glitch/retail images is now dynamically assigned (first block after xell/first block after CE)

- devkit image building added

- if pairing value can't be found in dump CF/CG it will attempt to be extracted from CB

- smc size and address made dynamic (mainly for corona+)

- corrected typo/problem with FAT bitmap creation

- cache decrypted keyvault, refine messages regarding FCRT and output dvdkey at the end

- logs/outputs expected/possible fuse values for console sequence bytes in CB

- add dvdkey to ini and -o, to set dvd key in keyvault before writing it to the new image

- fixed a possibly critical bug when parsing nanddump.bin FS entry

- correct EU/AUS smc game region output

- nanddump flash controller detect recoded, now only requires block 0 be not remapped

- fixed unhandled exception when -o option that requires = did not have =

- updated bl patches for all jtag machines and trinity (rgh fat doesn't need) to remove smc size = 0x3000 limit

- fixed bug that was causing 2nd patch slot on retail builds to contain unneeded data

- added fuse mask output while processing CB

- added 14717

- added patch to trinity 9188 CB_B to bypass fuseline 2 revocation check



- hotfix - jtag images were being created with incorrect patch file number (xexp1 instead of xexp2)


- gets security files from nanddump.bin and verifies them (odd.bin is currently not processed)

- option added to disable extracting security files from nanddump.bin

- decrypts perbuild security files for verification (crl/dae only currently, updater files work too)

- zero nonce data in bls before checking crc (inlcuded file lists updated with new crc and explanation)

- fixed a bug with mobile extraction

- fixed a bug with fsroot processing

- (glitch) dynamic SMC patcher, no longer limited to hard coded hash/offsets

- added more SMC hashes to verify known clean SMCs

- will attempt to decrypt external encrypted smc.bin if needed

- whitelist more chars in the file list parser

- altered so that pairing value will be retreived from nanddump.bin even if ldv is set in ini

- dual CB is dictated by ini, "none" filename indicates single CB (jtag does not use dual CB)

- increased logged info when adding files to flashfs

- odd.bin in encrypted (only!) form is now handled (from file or nanddump.bin)

- ini options are now available as -o options on command line

- added -t command line flag for glitch/retail/jtag selection

- JTAG image creation merged

- separate retail/glitch/jtag into individual per-firmware ini lists

- added -noenter command line option to suppres application asking to press enter on completion

- added proper errorlevel exiting, 1=usage/commandline error, 2=file write err, 3=image build error

- add 'cygnos' and 'xellbutton' options for glitch images with appropriate bl patches (either may affect fat glitch boot rate!)

- non-critical spare data fix to the way smc config is added to image

- update freeboot core and glitch base patches to accept a secondary xell poweron reason

- rewrote extended.bin handler, given an invalid/undecryptable file it will create a empty extended.bin

- rewrote keyvault handler, can decrypt and verify kv.bin when it's provided encrypted

- added patch append -a command, and converted nomu and nofcrt to optional patches

- added simple explanation of patch file formats in about_patches.S

- changed nonandmu option to nandmu so it can default to false

- added corona and winchester console types, currently not supported but there if needed

- add 14699



- corrected bug with ini parsing and dvd region (and others) left blank

- add 13604



- slim/fat glitch image building (based on fbbuild 0.32)

- builds retail images with -retail command line option

- added autopatch smc option in per box ini file

- extracts pairing value and highest LDV from nanddump.bin

(ini cfldv setting overrides nanddump ldv)




Фатки пока в пролёте с обнавлением как я понимаю? Да ещё и чип наверное придётся перепрошивать да?


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DaLeX - кондер вспух на ксеноне -) а некоторые даже лопнули

фотку в гугле нашел)))

сам ксенон уже давно не попадался, похоже в моем городе они уже изжили свое


тобиш та же причина что у новых слимок?... все дело в хана чипе и STBY_CLC?

у новых слимок HANA вообще отсутствует


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Фатки пока в пролёте с обнавлением как я понимаю? Да ещё и чип наверное придётся перепрошивать да?

это если ты официально обновился на новый даш, а если сидел на кастомном, можешь собрать кастомный 14717.

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это если ты официально обновился на новый даш, а если сидел на кастомном, можешь собрать кастомный 14717.


А тогда понятно, а то уже подумал придётся камп с лпт искать.

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